当前常见的作为评价数字水印相似程度公式的归一化相关值, 在表示提取出的水印与原始水印反面相似时存在很大的不足. 为此, 本文首先对常见的几种归一化相关值公式进行了分析, 然后继承这些公式的合理性和有效性, 克服这些公式的不足, 构造出了一个新的能更科学、合理和有效地评价数字水印相似程度的公式, 本文称之为两极化相关值. 最后对两极化相关值与归一化相关值进行了对比实验, 实验结果验证了两极化相关值的科学性、合理性和有效性.
Currently familiar formulas called normalized correlation, which are used for evaluating the similarity degree of digital watermarks, showed their big shortage when expressing the similarity degree of extracted watermark and original watermark in inverse similarity. Therefore, in this paper, several common formulas of normalized correlation are analyzed firstly. Then by inheriting the rationality and effectivity of these formulas, and overcoming the shortage of them, a novel formula named polarized correlation is constructed, which can more scientifically, rationally, and effectively evaluate the similarity degree of digital watermarks. Lastly, contrasting experiments of polarized correlation and normalized correlation are done, and the experimental results validate the science, rationality, and effectivity of polarized correlation.