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张虹芸 陈辉 张文旭

张虹芸, 陈辉, 张文旭. 扩展目标跟踪中基于深度强化学习的传感器管理方法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(7): 1417−1431 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230591
引用本文: 张虹芸, 陈辉, 张文旭. 扩展目标跟踪中基于深度强化学习的传感器管理方法. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(7): 1417−1431 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230591
Zhang Hong-Yun, Chen Hui, Zhang Wen-Xu. Sensor management method based on deep reinforcement learning in extended target tracking. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(7): 1417−1431 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230591
Citation: Zhang Hong-Yun, Chen Hui, Zhang Wen-Xu. Sensor management method based on deep reinforcement learning in extended target tracking. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(7): 1417−1431 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230591


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c230591
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62163023, 62366031, 62363023, 61873116), 甘肃省教育厅产业支撑计划项目(2021CYZC-02), 2024年度甘肃省重点人才项目资助

    张虹芸:兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院博士研究生. 2021年获得成都信息工程大学学士学位. 主要研究方向为雷达目标跟踪, 传感器管理和深度强化学习. E-mail: hy_zhang@lut.edu.cn

    陈辉:兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为智能感知和信息融合. 本文通信作者. E-mail: chenh@lut.edu.cn

    张文旭:兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院副教授. 主要研究方向为深度强化学习, 智能决策与数据挖掘和机器人技术. E-mail: wenxu_zhang@foxmail.com

Sensor Management Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Extended Target Tracking

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62163023, 62366031, 62363023, 61873116), Gansu Province Education Department Industrial Support Project (2021CYZC-02), and Key Talent Project of Gansu Province in 2024
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHANG Hong-Yun Ph.D. candidate at the School of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology. She received her bachelor degree from Chengdu University of Information Technology in 2021. Her research interest covers radar target tracking, sensor management, and deep reinforcement learning

    CHEN Hui Professor at the Sch-ool of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology. His research interest covers intellisense and information fusion. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHANG Wen-Xu Associate professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology. His research interest covers deep reinforcement learning, intelligent decision and data mining, and robotics

  • 摘要: 针对扩展目标跟踪(Extended target tracking, ETT)优化中的传感器管理问题, 基于随机矩阵模型(Random matrices model, RMM)建模扩展目标, 提出一种基于深度强化学习(Deep reinforcement learning, DRL)的传感器管理方法. 首先, 在部分可观测马尔科夫决策过程(Partially observed Markov decision process, POMDP)理论框架下, 给出基于双延迟深度确定性策略梯度(Twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient, TD3)算法的扩展目标跟踪传感器管理的基本方法; 其次, 利用高斯瓦瑟斯坦距离(Gaussian Wasserstein distance, GWD)求解扩展目标先验概率密度与后验概率密度之间的信息增益, 对扩展目标多特征估计信息进行综合评价, 进而以信息增益作为TD3算法奖励函数的构建; 然后, 通过推导出的奖励函数, 进行基于深度强化学习的传感器管理方法的最优决策; 最后, 通过构造扩展目标跟踪优化仿真实验, 验证了所提方法的有效性.
  • 图  1  扩展目标跟踪中传感器管理方法的研究框架

    Fig.  1  Research framework of sensor management method in extended target tracking

    图  2  传感器航向模型

    Fig.  2  Sensor heading model

    图  3  演员网络和评论家网络结构

    Fig.  3  Structures of actor network and critic network

    图  4  基于TD3的扩展目标跟踪算法伪代码流程图

    Fig.  4  Pseudocode flow chart of extended target tracking algorithm based on TD3

    图  5  传感器控制智能决策训练曲线

    Fig.  5  Training curve of intelligent decision-making for sensor control

    图  6  评论家网络1训练过程中的损失更新

    Fig.  6  Loss updates during training in critic network 1

    图  7  评论家网络2训练过程中的损失更新

    Fig.  7  Loss updates during training in critic network 2

    图  8  智能体动作选择三维图

    Fig.  8  The action of the agent is selected in three dimensions

    图  9  传感器控制轨迹对比

    Fig.  9  Comparison of sensor control trajectory

    图  10  扩展目标形状估计对比

    Fig.  10  Comparison of extended target shape estimation

    图  11  扩展目标形状估计细节放大图

    Fig.  11  Extended target shape estimation detail enlargement

    图  12  基于6种方法的质心估计误差

    Fig.  12  Centroid estimation error based on 6 methods

    图  13  基于6种方法的GWD

    Fig.  13  GWD based on 6 methods

    图  14  群目标队列变换

    Fig.  14  Queue transformation of a group target

    图  15  群目标轨迹跟踪图

    Fig.  15  Group target trajectory tracking diagram

    图  16  群目标轨迹跟踪估计细节放大图

    Fig.  16  Estimate detail enlarge image of group target trajectory tracking

    图  17  群目标跟踪场景中的传感器控制轨迹对比

    Fig.  17  Comparison of sensor control trajectory in group target tracking scenarios

    图  18  群目标编队第1次变换跟踪细节放大图

    Fig.  18  Group target formation the 1st transformation tracking detail enlarge image

    图  19  群目标编队第2次变换跟踪细节放大图

    Fig.  19  Group target formation the 2nd transformation tracking detail enlarge image

    图  20  基于6种方法的群目标质心的RMSE

    Fig.  20  RMSE of group target centroid based on 6 methods

    图  21  基于6种方法的群目标跟踪估计的GWD

    Fig.  21  GWD of group target tracking estimation based on 6 methods

    表  1  TD3智能体训练参数

    Table  1  TD3 agent training parameters

    超参数名称 参数值
    评论家网络学习率${\alpha _Q}$ 0.001
    演员网络学习率${\beta _\mu }$ 0.0001
    训练批次大小$N$ 128
    经验回放单元${\cal{D}} $容量 $1 \times {10^4}$
    每幕最大时间步 $1 \times {10^3}$
    惯性更新率$\eta $ 0.002
    更新频率比$m$ 2
    折扣因子$\gamma $ 0.9
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    表  2  基于6种方法的质心误差统计均值

    Table  2  Statistical average of centroid error based on6 methods

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    表  3  基于6种方法的GWD统计均值

    Table  3  Statistical average of GWD based on6 methods

    实验方法 GWD统计均值(m) 对比方法1提升率(%)
    方法1 1.2848
    方法2 1.2373 4
    方法3 1.1751 9
    方法4 1.2042 6
    方法5 1.1565 10
    方法6 1.0612 17
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    表  4  基于6种方法下质心误差的统计均值

    Table  4  Statistical average of centroid error based on 6 methods

    实验方法 质心误差统计均值(m) 对比方法1的提升率(%)
    方法1 0.4902
    方法2 0.4753 3
    方法3 0.4463 9
    方法4 0.4455 9
    方法5 0.4353 11
    方法6 0.4197 14
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    表  5  基于6种方法的GWD的统计均值

    Table  5  Statistical average of GWD based on 6 methods

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