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贾熹滨 郭雄 王珞 杨大为 杨正汉

贾熹滨, 郭雄, 王珞, 杨大为, 杨正汉. 一种迭代边界优化的医学图像小样本分割网络. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(10): 1988−2001 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220994
引用本文: 贾熹滨, 郭雄, 王珞, 杨大为, 杨正汉. 一种迭代边界优化的医学图像小样本分割网络. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(10): 1988−2001 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220994
Jia Xi-Bin, Guo Xiong, Wang Luo, Yang Da-Wei, Yang Zheng-Han. A few-shot medical image segmentation network with iterative boundary refinement. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(10): 1988−2001 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220994
Citation: Jia Xi-Bin, Guo Xiong, Wang Luo, Yang Da-Wei, Yang Zheng-Han. A few-shot medical image segmentation network with iterative boundary refinement. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(10): 1988−2001 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220994


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220994
基金项目: 国家重点研发项目中国和韩国政府间联合研究项目(2019YFE0107800), 国家自然科学基金(62171298, 82071876, 62476015, 82372043, 82371904)资助

    贾熹滨:北京工业大学信息学部教授. 主要研究方向为视觉信息认知与计算, 智能医学图像分析和诊断, 情感计算. 本文通信作者. E-mail: jiaxibin@bjut.edu.cn

    郭雄:北京工业大学信息学部硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 医学图像分割和小样本学习. E-mail: guox@emails.bjut.edu.cn

    王珞:北京工业大学信息学部讲师. 主要研究方向为图像检索, 深度学习, 医学影像处理和多模态数据融合. E-mail: wangluo@bjut.edu.cn

    杨大为:首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院副教授. 2020年获得首都医科大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为肝脏疾病影像诊断与研究. E-mail: yangdawei@ccmu.edu.cn

    杨正汉:首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院教授. 1999年获得北京医科大学博士学位. 主要研究方向为腹部疾病影像诊断, 肝细胞癌及癌前病变的早期影像诊断, MRI新技术的开发与应用. E-mail: yangzhenghan@vip.163.com

A Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation Network With Iterative Boundary Refinement

Funds: Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China and South Korea Intergovernmental Joint Research Project (2019YFE0107800) and National Natural Science Foundation of China ((62171298, 82071876, 62476015, 82372043, 82371904))
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    Author Bio:

    JIA Xi-Bin Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. Her research interest covers visual information cognition and computing, intelligent medical image analysis and diagnosis, and emotional calculation. Corresponding author of this paper

    GUO Xiong Master student at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. His research interest covers computer vision, medical image segmentation, and few-shot learning

    WANG Luo Lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. His research interest covers image retrieval, deep learning, medical image processing, and multi-modal data fusion

    YANG Da-Wei Associate professor at the Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Capital Medical University in 2020. His main research interest is imaging diagnosis and research on liver disease

    YANG Zheng-Han Professor at the Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Beijing Medical University in 1999. His research interest covers imaging diagnosis of abdominal diseases, early imaging diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma and precancerous lesions, and development and application of new MRI technology

  • 摘要: 精准的医学图像自动分割是临床影像学诊断和影像三维重建的重要基础. 但医学图像数据的目标对象间对比度差异小、受器官运动影响大, 加之标注样本规模小, 因此在小样本下建立高性能的医学分割模型仍是目前的难点问题. 针对主流原型学习小样本分割网络对医学图像边界分割性能差的问题, 提出一种迭代边界优化的小样本分割网络(Iterative boundary refinement based few-shot segmentation network, IBR-FSS-Net). 以双分支原型学习的小样本分割框架为基础, 引入类别注意力机制和密集比较模块(Dense comparison module, DCM), 对粗分割掩码进行迭代优化, 引导分割模型在多次迭代学习过程中关注边界, 从而提升边界分割精度. 为进一步克服医学图像训练样本少且多样性不足问题, 使用超像素方法生成伪标签, 扩充训练数据以提升模型泛化性. 在ABD-MR和ABD-CT医学图像分割公共数据集上进行实验, 与现有多种先进的医学图像小样本分割方法进行对比分析和消融实验. 实验结果表明, 该方法有效提升了未见医学类别的分割性能.
    1)  本文责任编委 XXX Recommended by Associate Editor BIAN Wei
  • 图  1  一种迭代边界优化的小样本分割网络

    Fig.  1  An iterative boundary refinement based few-shot segmentation network

    图  2  基于注意力机制的边界优化模块

    Fig.  2  Boundary refinement module based on attention mechanism

    图  3  原型网络结构图

    Fig.  3  Prototype network structure diagram

    图  4  密集比较模块

    Fig.  4  Dense comparison module

    图  5  基于超像素算法的样本扩充方法

    Fig.  5  Sample augmentation approach based on super-pixel algorithm

    图  6  ABD-MR数据集划分示意图

    Fig.  6  ABD-MR dataset partition diagram

    图  7  医学图像小样本分割网络的Baseline模型

    Fig.  7  Baseline model of few-shot medical image segmentation network

    图  8  核磁共振成像图像中的4种器官样例的预测分割掩码

    Fig.  8  Predicted segmentation masks for four organ samples in magnetic resonance images

    图  9  电子计算机断层扫描图像中的4种器官样例的预测分割掩码

    Fig.  9  Predicted segmentation masks for four organ samples in computed tomography images

    表  1  ABD-CT和ABD-MR数据集上, 不同方法的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  1  Dice coefficient values with different models on ABD-CT and ABD-MR datasets (%)

    方法 ABD-CT ABD-MR
    脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    SE-Net 0.23 32.83 14.34 0.27 11.91 51.80 62.11 61.32 27.43 50.66
    PANet 25.59 32.34 17.37 38.42 29.42 50.90 53.45 38.64 42.26 46.33
    SSL-ALPNet 60.25 63.34 54.82 73.65 63.02 67.02 73.63 78.39 73.05 73.02
    GCN-DE 56.53 68.13 75.50 46.77 61.73 60.63 76.07 83.03 49.47 67.30
    RP-Net 69.85 70.48 70.00 79.62 72.48 76.35 81.40 85.78 73.51 79.26
    ADNet 75.92 75.28 83.28 80.81 78.82
    PoissonSeg 52.33 50.11 47.02 58.74 52.05 52.85 50.58 53.57 61.03 54.51
    AAS-DCL 66.36 64.71 69.95 71.61 68.16 74.86 76.90 83.75 69.94 76.36
    IBR-FSS-Net 71.73 73.78 72.02 78.13 73.92 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
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    表  2  不同组件组合方式的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  2  Dice coefficient values with different component combinations (%)

    组合方式 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    Baseline 62.33 63.65 66.87 64.18 64.26
    Baseline+Concat 60.62 65.55 68.53 66.56 65.32
    Baseline+BRM 66.63 72.10 74.83 69.17 70.68
    Baseline+3Concat 61.20 68.72 70.38 66.95 66.81
    Baseline+3BRM 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
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    表  3  不同边界优化模块数量的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  3  Dice coefficient values with different number of boundary refinement modules (%)

    组件 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    Baseline 62.33 63.65 66.87 64.18 64.26
    Baseline+BRM 66.63 72.10 74.83 69.17 70.68
    Baseline+2BRM 69.88 79.98 82.12 73.56 76.39
    Baseline+3BRM 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
    Baseline+4BRM 68.57 77.23 78.82 69.60 73.56
    Baseline+5BRM 64.13 70.55 72.69 66.42 68.45
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    表  4  不同特征提取网络的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  4  Dice coefficient values with different feature extraction networks (%)

    骨干网络 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    VGG-16 52.09 63.83 64.48 57.88 59.57
    U-Net 69.66 78.94 80.46 72.15 75.30
    Res U-Net 71.82 78.24 81.10 73.41 76.14
    Attention U-Net 73.96 79.14 83.51 73.60 77.55
    ResNet50 71.23 78.19 82.57 73.68 76.42
    ResNet101 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
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    表  5  不同度量网络组合方式的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  5  Dice coefficient values with different combination of metric networks (%)

    度量网络组合方式 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    Prototypical-Net 70.92 80.61 83.70 74.48 77.43
    DCM 71.53 81.36 83.44 74.81 77.79
    DCM+Prototypical-Net 72.97 81.49 83.68 74.83 78.24
    Prototypical-Net+DCM 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
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    表  6  ABD-CT和ABD-MR数据集上, 与其他少标注样本下医学图像分割方法对比的Dice系数值 (%)

    Table  6  Dice coefficient values with other medical segmentation models in case of less annotated sample on ABD-CT and ABD-MR datasets (%)

    方法(比例) ABD-CT ABD-MR
    脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值 脾脏 左肾 右肾 肝脏 平均值
    MagicNet (30%) 91.42 86.19 84.64 93.89 89.04
    CVCL (部分) 95.40 94.60 94.60 96.70 95.33
    C-CAM (0%) 74.16 81.00 84.75 72.68 78.15
    IBR-FSS-Net (5%) 71.73 73.78 72.02 78.13 73.92 75.12 82.19 85.64 75.89 79.71
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