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周洋 韩冰 高新波 杨铮 陈玮铭

周洋, 韩冰, 高新波, 杨铮, 陈玮铭. 基于注意力机制和循环域三元损失的域自适应目标检测. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(11): 1−16 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220938
引用本文: 周洋, 韩冰, 高新波, 杨铮, 陈玮铭. 基于注意力机制和循环域三元损失的域自适应目标检测. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(11): 1−16 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220938
Zhou Yang, Han Bing, Gao Xin-Bo, Yang Zheng, Chen Wei-Ming. Domain adaptive object detection based on attention mechanism and cycle domain triplet loss. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(11): 1−16 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220938
Citation: Zhou Yang, Han Bing, Gao Xin-Bo, Yang Zheng, Chen Wei-Ming. Domain adaptive object detection based on attention mechanism and cycle domain triplet loss. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(11): 1−16 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220938


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220938
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (62076190, 41831072, 62036007),陕西省重点创新产业链基金 (2022ZDLGY01-11), 西安市重点产业链技术攻关项目 (23ZDCYJSGG0022-2023), 国家空间科学数据中心青年开放课题基金 (NSSDC2302005) 资助

    周洋:西安电子科技大学电子工程学院硕士研究生. 2020获西南石油大学电子信息工程学士学位. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉和域自适应目标检测. E-mail: yzhou_6@stu.xidian.edu.cn

    韩冰:西安电子科技大学电子工程学院教授. 主要研究方向为智能辅助驾驶系统, 视觉感知与认知, 空间物理与人工智能交叉. 本文通信作者. E-mail: bhan@xidian.edu.cn

    高新波:西安电子科技大学教授. 主要研究方向为机器学习, 图像处理, 计算机视觉, 模式识别和多媒体内容分析. E-mail: xbgao@ieee.org

    杨铮:西安电子科技大学电子工程学院博士研究生. 2017获西安电子科技大学智能科学与技术学士学位. 主要研究方向为深度学习, 目标跟踪和强化学习. E-mail: zhengy@stu.xidian.edu.cn

    陈玮铭:西安电子科技大学电子工程学院硕士研究生. 2019获西安电子科技大学机械设计制造及其自动化学士学位. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 目标检测和遥感技术. E-mail: wmchen@stu.xidian.edu.cn

Domain Adaptive Object Detection Based on Attention Mechanism and Cycle Domain Triplet Loss

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62076190, 41831072, 62036007), Key Industry Innovation Chain of Shaanxi Province (2022ZDLGY01-11), Key Industry Chain Technology Research Project of Xi'an (23ZDCYJSGG0022-2023), and Youth Open Project of National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC2302005)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHOU Yang Master student at the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University. He received his bachelor degree in electronic and information engineering from Southwest Petroleum University in 2020. His research interest covers computer vision and domain adaptive detection

    HAN Bing Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University. Her research interest covers intelligent auxiliary drive system, visual perception and cognition, and cross-disciplinary research between space physics and artificial intelligence. Corresponding author of this paper

    GAO Xin-Bo Professor at Xidian University. His research interest covers machine learning, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and multimedia content analysis

    YANG Zheng Ph.D. candidate at the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University. He received his bachelor degree in intelligent science and technology from Xidian University in 2019. His research interest covers deep learning, object tracking, and reinforcement learning

    CHEN Wei-Ming Master student at the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University. He received his bachelor degree in mechanical design manufacture and automation from Xidian University in 2019. His research interest covers computer vision, object detection, and remote sensing

  • 摘要: 目前大多数深度学习算法都依赖于大量的标注数据并欠缺一定的泛化能力. 无监督域自适应算法能提取到已标注数据和未标注数据间隐式共同特征, 从而提高算法在未标注数据上的泛化性能. 目前域自适应目标检测算法主要为两阶段目标检测器设计. 针对单阶段检测器中无法直接进行实例级特征对齐导致一定数量域不变特征的缺失, 提出结合通道注意力机制的图像级域分类器加强域不变特征提取. 此外, 对于域自适应目标检测中存在类别特征的错误对齐引起的精度下降问题, 通过原型学习构建类别中心, 设计了一种基于原型的循环域三元损失(Cycle domain triplet loss, CDTL)函数, 从而实现原型引导的精细类别特征对齐. 以单阶段目标检测算法作为检测器, 并在多种域自适应目标检测公共数据集上进行实验. 实验结果证明该方法能有效提升原检测器在目标域的泛化能力, 达到比其他方法更高的检测精度, 并且对于单阶段目标检测网络具有一定的通用性.
  • 图  1  基于注意力机制和循环域三元损失的域自适应目标检测算法流程

    Fig.  1  The pipeline of domain adaptive object detection based on attention mechanism and cycle domain triplet loss

    图  2  循环域三元损失函数原理

    Fig.  2  Principal of cycle domain adaptive TripleLoss

    图  3  本文方法在CityScapes→Foggy CityScapes上的主观检测结果

    Fig.  3  The subjective results of our method on CityScapes→Foggy CityScapes

    图  4  本文方法在SunnyDay→DuskRainy和SunnyDay→NightRainy上的主观检测结果

    Fig.  4  The subjective results of our method on SunnyDay→DuskRainy and SunnyDay→NightRainy

    图  5  本文方法在KITTI→CityScapes和Sim10k→CityScapes上的消融实验结果

    Fig.  5  The ablation experimental results of our method on KITTI→CityScapes and Sim10k→CityScapes

    图  6  本文方法在VOC→Clipart1k上的主观结果

    Fig.  6  The subjective results of our method on VOC→Clipart1k

    图  7  不同循环迭代训练次数在YOLOv3和YOLOv5检测器上的结果

    Fig.  7  The result of different cycle iteration on YOLOv3 and YOLOv5

    表  1  不同方法在CityScapes→Foggy CityScapes数据集上的对比实验结果(%)

    Table  1  The results of different methods on CityScapes→Foggy CityScapes (%)

    DAF[10]Faster R-CNN25.031.040.522.135.320.
    SWDA[11]Faster R-CNN29.942.343.524.536.230.035.332.634.370.0
    C2F[14]Faster R-CNN34.046.952.130.843.234.737.429.938.679.1
    CAFA[16]Faster R-CNN41.938.756.722.641.524.635.526.836.081.9
    ICCR-VDD[21]Faster R-CNN33.444.051.733.952.034.236.834.740.0
    MeGA[20]Faster R-CNN37.749.052.425.449.234.539.046.941.891.1
     注: “−”表示该方法没有进行此实验; (v3)表示检测器为YoLov3; (v5)表示检测器为YoLov5s; 加粗数值表示对比实验中的最佳结果.
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    表  2  不同方法在SunnyDay→DuskRainy数据集上的对比实验结果(%)

    Table  2  The results of different methods on SunnyDay→DuskRainy (%)

    DAF[10]Faster R-CNN43.627.552.316.128.521.744.833.55.2
    SWDA[11]Faster R-CNN40.022.851.415.426.320.344.231.53.2
    ICCR-VDD[21]Faster R-CNN47.933.
     注: $\Delta {\rm{mAP}}$表示mAP的涨幅程度.
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    表  3  不同方法在SunnyDay→NightRainy数据集上的对比实验结果(%)

    Table  3  The results of different methods on SunnyDay→NightRainy (%)

    方法检测器busbikecarmotorpersonridertruckmAP$\Delta {\rm{mAP}}$
    DAF[10]Faster R-CNN23.812.
    SWDA[11]Faster R-CNN24.710.033.70.613.510.429.117.41.1
    ICCR-VDD[21]Faster R-CNN34.815.638.610.518.717.330.623.77.4
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    表  4  KITTI→CityScapes和Sim10k→CityScapes数据集上的对比实验结果(%)

    Table  4  The results of different methods on KITTI→CityScapes and Sim10k→CityScapes (%)

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    表  5  CityScapes→FoggyCityscapes数据集上基于YOLOv3的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  5  The results of ablation experiment on CityScapes→FoggyCityscapes based on YOLOv3 (%)

    CADC + CDTL34.037.255.831.444.422.330.850.738.3
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    表  6  CityScapes→FoggyCityscapes数据集上基于YOLOv5s的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  6  The results of ablation experiment on CityScapes→FoggyCityscapes based on YOLOv5s (%)

    CADC + CDTL30.937.453.323.839.524.229.935.034.3
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    表  7  SunnyDay→DuskRainy数据集上基于YOLOv3的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  7  The results of ablation experiment on SunnyDay→DuskRainy based on YOLOv3 (%)

    CADC50.022.670.823.238.418.7 53.539.6
    CADC + CDTL50.1 24.970.7 24.2
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    表  8  SunnyDay→DuskRainy数据集上基于YOLOv5s的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  8  The results of ablation experiment on SunnyDay→DuskRainy based on YOLOv5s (%)

    CADC + CDTL46.222.1 68.2 16.534.817.550.5 36.5
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    表  9  SunnyDay→NightRainy数据集上基于YOLOv3的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  9  The results of ablation experiment on SunnyDay→NightRainy based on YOLOv3 (%)

    CADC44. 11.338.324.8
    CADC + CDTL45.08.2
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    表  10  SunnyDay→NightRainy数据集上基于YOLOv5s的消融实验结果(%)

    Table  10  The results of ablation experiment on SunnyDay→NightRainy based on YOLOv5s (%)

    CADC + CDTL40.79.345.0 0.6 12.8 9.232.5 21.5
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    表  11  KITTI→CityScapes和Sim10k→CityScapes数据集上的对比实验结果(%)

    Table  11  The results of different methods on KITTI→CityScapes and Sim10k→CityScapes (%)

    CADC + CDTL61.159.8
    CADC + CDTL60.059.0
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    表  12  本文方法在VOC→Clipart1k上的实验(%)

    Table  12  The experiment on VOC→Clipart1k (%)

    I3Net + CDTL23.361.627.817.124.754.339.812.341.434.132.215.527.677.957.037.45.5031.351.847.836.0
    I3Net + CDTL + ${\rm{CADC}}^*$31.260.431.819.427.063.340.713.741.138.427.218.025.567.854.937.215.536.454.847.837.6
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    表  13  本文方法在VOC→Comic2k上的实验(%)

    Table  13  The experiment on VOC→Comic2k (%)

    I3Net + CDTL43.715.131.511.718.646.927.9
    I3Net + CDTL + CADC*47.816.033.815.124.443.530.1
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    表  14  本文方法在VOC→Watercolor2k上的实验(%)

    Table  14  The experiment on VOC→Watercolor2k (%)

    I3Net + CDTL79.547.241.733.535.460.349.6
    I3Net + CDTL + CADC*84.145.346.632.931.461.450.3
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    表  15  像素级对齐对网络的影响(%)

    Table  15  The impact of pixel alignment to network (%)

    CDTL + CADCYOLOv335.959.858.4
    CDTL + CADC + $D_{{\rm{pixel}}}$YOLOv337.260.559.6
    CDTL + CADCYOLOv532.758.956.8
    CDTL + CADC + $D_{{\rm{pixel}}}$YOLOv534.159.558.6
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    表  16  通道注意力域分类器中损失函数的选择

    Table  16  The choice of loss function in channel attention domain classifier

    检测器$F_1$$F_2$$F_3$mAP (%)
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  • PDF下载量:  55
  • 被引次数: 0
  • 收稿日期:  2022-12-05
  • 录用日期:  2023-05-18
  • 网络出版日期:  2023-08-18


