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陈婧 史大威 蔡德恒 王军政 朱玲玲

陈婧, 史大威, 蔡德恒, 王军政, 朱玲玲. 数据驱动的间歇低氧训练贝叶斯优化决策方法. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(8): 1667−1678 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220712
引用本文: 陈婧, 史大威, 蔡德恒, 王军政, 朱玲玲. 数据驱动的间歇低氧训练贝叶斯优化决策方法. 自动化学报, 2023, 49(8): 1667−1678 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220712
Chen Jing, Shi Da-Wei, Cai De-Heng, Wang Jun-Zheng, Zhu Ling-Ling. Data-driven Bayesian optimization method for intermittent hypoxic training strategy decision. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 1667−1678 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220712
Citation: Chen Jing, Shi Da-Wei, Cai De-Heng, Wang Jun-Zheng, Zhu Ling-Ling. Data-driven Bayesian optimization method for intermittent hypoxic training strategy decision. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 1667−1678 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220712


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c220712
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61973030), 北京市科技计划项目 (Z161100000216134)资助

    陈婧:北京理工大学自动化学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为医学信号处理和性能评估. E-mail: jingchen@bit.edu.cn

    史大威:北京理工大学自动化学院教授. 主要研究方向为复杂采样控制系统分析与设计及在生物医学、机器人及运动系统中的应用. 本文通信作者. E-mail: daweishi@bit.edu.cn

    蔡德恒:北京理工大学自动化学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为事件触发的采样控制、估计与学习以及闭环给药系统控制算法设计与实现. E-mail: dehengcai@bit.edu.cn

    王军政:北京理工大学自动化学院教授. 主要研究方向为运动驱动与控制, 电液伺服/比例控制, 试验测试与负载模拟, 机器人控制. E-mail: wangjz@bit.edu.cn

    朱玲玲:中国人民解放军军事科学院军事医学研究院研究员. 主要研究方向为高原等特殊环境对机体损伤与防护措施的研究. E-mail: zhull@bmi.ac.cn

Data-driven Bayesian Optimization Method for Intermittent hypoxic Training Strategy Decision

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61973030) and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (Z161100000216134)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    CHEN Jing Ph.D. candidate at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. Her research interest covers medical signal processing and performance assessment

    SHI Da-Wei Professor at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers analysis & design of advanced sampled-data control systems, with applications to biomedical engineering, robotics and motion systems. Corresponding author of this paper

    CAI De-Heng Ph.D. candidate at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers event-triggered sampled-data control, state estimation and machine learning, and the control algorithm design and implementation of closed-loop drug delivery systems

    WANG Jun-Zheng Professor at the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interest covers motion drive and control, electro-hydraulic servo/proportional control, test experiment and load simulation, and robotic control

    ZHU Ling-Ling Professor of Academy of Military Medical Sciences. Her research interest covers body damage and protective measures in high-altitude environment

  • 摘要: 青藏地区快速的经济发展使得进入高原的群体数量日益增加, 随之而来的高原健康问题也愈发突出. 间歇性低氧训练(Intermittent hypoxic training, IHT)是急进高原前常使用的预习服方法, 一般针对不同个体均设置固定的开环策略, 存在方案制定无标准、系统化的理论指导缺乏、效果不明显等问题. 针对以上情况, 设计了一种小样本数据驱动的IHT策略贝叶斯闭环学习优化框架, 建立自回归结构的高斯过程血氧饱和度(Peripheral oxygen saturation, SpO2)预测模型, 并考虑高低风险事件对训练的影响, 设计与氧浓度变化方向和速率相关的风险不对称代价函数, 提出具有安全约束的贝叶斯优化方法, 实现IHT最优供氧浓度的优化决策. 考虑到现有仿真器无法反映个体动态变化过程, 依据“最优速率理论”设计了合理的模型自适应变化律. 所提出闭环干预方法通过该仿真器进行了可行性和有效性验证. 说明该学习框架能够指导个体提升高原适应能力, 减轻其在预习服阶段的非适应性不良反应, 为个性化IHT提供精准调控手段.
  • 图  1  高原适应性能力提升的IHT策略优化决策算法流程图

    Fig.  1  Flow chart of IHT optimization decision algorithm for high-altitude adaptability improvement

    图  2  高斯过程预测算法示意图

    Fig.  2  Flow chart of Gaussian process prediction algorithm

    图  3  所设计代价函数$ {\cal{L}}_{v} $部分的惩罚强度在不同$ \Delta c $下的变化

    Fig.  3  The penalty changes of designed $ {\cal{L}}_v $ term under different $ \Delta c $ values

    图  4  虚拟受试者1和2采取开环和闭环策略进行IHT的$ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $曲线

    Fig.  4  The $ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $ curves of simulated subject 1 and 2 that perform IHT based on traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    图  5  虚拟受试者3和4采取开环和闭环策略进行IHT的$ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $曲线

    Fig.  5  The $ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $ curves of simulated subject 3 and 4 that perform IHT based on traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    图  6  10名虚拟受试者采取开环和闭环策略进行IHT的$ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $曲线

    Fig.  6  The $ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $ curves of 10 simulated subjects that perform IHT based on traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    表  1  相关参数取值

    Table  1  Related parameters

    参数 含义 取值
    $ n_s $ 一日IHT的低氧段总数 8
    $ n_t $ 一段低氧段预测点总数 200
    $ n_p $ 一段低氧段采样点总数 300
    $ \sigma^{2} $ 平方指数核函数超参数 10
    $ \ell $ 平方指数核函数超参数 10
    $ \boldsymbol{y}_{r} $ 目标$ {\rm{ SpO}}_2 $向量 $ [95H_{50},90H_{50}, 85H_{100}]^\mathrm{T} $
    $ Q $ 代价函数惩罚矩阵 136I
    $ w $ 代价函数权重系数 1000
    $ c_{l,\min} $ 供氧浓度下阈值 (%) 10
    $ c_{l,\max} $ 供氧浓度上阈值 (%) 15
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    表  2  虚拟受试者1和2采取开环策略进行IHT和采取闭环策略进行IHT的效果对比

    Table  2  Comparison results of simulated subject 1 and 2 trained by using traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    个体设定 指标 初始状态 开环策略 闭环策略
    $ c_{o}=13 $,
    $ \Delta c_{op}=-1.5 $
    DSI (s) 137 84 256
    SpO2平均值(%) 90.9 84.9 93.6
    SpO2标准差(%) 5.5 5.4 4.8
    $ c_{o}=12 $,
    $ \Delta c_{op}=-1.5 $
    DSI (s) 137 90 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 90.9 87.8 96.2
    SpO2标准差(%) 5.5 5.4 3.6
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    表  3  虚拟受试者3和4采取开环策略进行IHT和采取闭环策略进行IHT的效果对比

    Table  3  Comparison results of simulated subject 3 and 4 trained by using traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    个体设定 指标 初始状态 开环策略 闭环策略
    $ c_{o}=12 $,
    $ \Delta c_{op}=-1 $
    DSI (s) 154 136 203
    SpO2平均值(%) 91.4 89.5 94.7
    SpO2标准差(%) 6.1 6.5 5.0
    $ c_{o}=12 $,
    $ \Delta c_{op}=-1.5 $
    DSI (s) 154 81 300
    SpO2平均值 (%) 91.4 89.5 96.4
    SpO2标准差(%) 6.1 6.6 4.1
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    表  4  10名虚拟受试者采取开环策略进行IHT和采取闭环策略进行IHT的效果对比

    Table  4  Comparison results of 10 simulated subjects trained by using traditional open-loop strategy and proposed closed-loop strategy

    受试者 指标 初始状态 开环策略 闭环策略
    1 DSI (s) 137 32 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 90.9 84.9 96.4
    SpO2标准差(%) 5.46 5.37 3.53
    2 DSI (s) 140 53 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 92.7 86.1 95.6
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.72 4.85 3.73
    3 DSI (s) 138 31 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 92.3 84.8 97.4
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.81 4.70 2.88
    4 DSI (s) 271 153 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 94.6 89.9 98.5
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.04 4.10 2.29
    5 DSI (s) 138 35 184
    SpO2平均值(%) 92.3 87.1 96.3
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.32 4.33 3.51
    6 DSI (s) 138 20 279
    SpO2平均值(%) 92.3 84.8 94.1
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.81 4.79 4.34
    7 DSI (s) 42 35 78
    SpO2平均值(%) 89.0 85.1 91.5
    SpO2标准差(%) 5.44 5.52 5.19
    8 DSI (s) 91 84 176
    SpO2平均值(%) 89.9 87.6 92.1
    SpO2标准差(%) 6.17 6.16 5.63
    9 DSI (s) 138 66 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 91.3 88.2 95.1
    SpO2标准差(%) 5.01 4.86 4.02
    10 DSI (s) 138 44 300
    SpO2平均值(%) 91.3 84.8 96.0
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.94 4.78 3.64
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    表  5  10名虚拟受试者的对比结果

    Table  5  Comparison results of 10 simulated subjects

    指标 初始状态 开环策略 闭环策略
    DSI (s) 137.1 56.3 251.7
    SpO2平均值(%) 91.7 86.3 95.3
    SpO2标准差(%) 4.97 4.95 3.88
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