Estimation of Human Limb Motion Based on Progressive Unscented Kalman Filter Network
摘要: 针对基于表面肌电信号 (Surface electromyography, sEMG) 的人体肢体运动估计建模困难的问题, 提出一种渐进无迹卡尔曼滤波网络 (Progressive unscented Kalman filter network, PUKF-net), 来实现降低肢体运动与sEMG量测的建模难度以及提高肢体运动估计精度的目的. 首先, 设计深度神经网络从sEMG数据中学习肢体运动状态与sEMG量测之间的映射关系和噪声统计特性. 其次, 采用渐进量测更新方法对先验状态估计进行修正, 减小运动估计的线性化误差, 提高PUKF-net模型的稳定性. 通过结合深度神经网络和渐进卡尔曼滤波的优势, 使得PUKF-net具有良好的模型适应性和抗噪能力. 最后, 设计基于sEMG的人体肢体运动估计实验, 验证了PUKF-net模型的有效性. 相较于长短期记忆网络 (Long short-term memory, LSTM) 和其他卡尔曼滤波网络, PUKF-net在肢体运动估计中的均方根误差 (Root mean square error, RMSE) 下降了14.9%, 相关系数R2提高了5.1%.Abstract: To solve the difficult modeling problem of human limb motion estimation based on surface electromyography (sEMG), a progressive unscented Kalman filter network (PUKF-net) is proposed to reduce the difficulty of modeling limb motion and sEMG measurements and improve the accuracy of limb motion estimation. Firstly, a deep neural network is designed to learn the mapping relationship between limb motion states and sEMG measurements and the statistical property of noise from sEMG data. Secondly, a progressive measurement update method is used to correct the priori state estimate for reducing the linearization error of motion estimation and improving the stability of the PUKF-net. By combining the advantages of deep neural network and progressive Kalman filter, the PUKF-net has good model adaptability and anti-noise capability. Finally, a human limb motion estimation experiment based on sEMG is designed to verify the validity of the PUKF-net. Compared with the long short-term memory (LSTM) and other Kalman filter network models, the root mean square error (RMSE) of PUKF-net in limb motion estimation has decreased by 14.9% and the correlation coefficient R2 has increased by 5.1%.
表 1 测试者身体参数
Table 1 Physiological information of subjects
测试者 年龄 身高 (cm) 体重 (kg) 性别 S1 31 155 65 女 S2 24 161 53 女 S3 29 182 85 男 S4 20 177 61 男 S5 25 173 75 男 S6 28 175 65 男 S7 30 160 47 女 S8 25 171 72 男 S9 22 175 70 男 S10 24 162 50 女 S11 32 159 54 女 S12 29 170 78 男 表 2 LSTM、LSTM-KF、PUKF-net在测试集上的RMSE和$ \text{R}^2 $
Table 2 RMSE and $ \text{R}^2 $ of LSTM, LSTM-KF, PUKF-net
测试者 RMSE $ \text{R}^2$ LSTM LSTM-KF PUKF-net LSTM LSTM-KF PUKF-net S1 15.913 12.668 11.940 0.823 0.896 0.906 S2 24.568 18.677 15.473 0.622 0.748 0.829 S3 19.736 16.996 14.044 0.737 0.825 0.872 S4 20.653 13.315 12.668 0.679 0.863 0.876 S5 26.746 20.675 16.448 0.629 0.761 0.824 S6 16.793 13.664 11.588 0.803 0.880 0.905 S7 22.193 17.164 14.187 0.699 0.852 0.868 S8 17.984 15.241 12.294 0.748 0.827 0.880 S9 22.537 18.464 15.624 0.710 0.817 0.861 S10 24.142 18.555 16.165 0.655 0.809 0.848 S11 14.601 11.271 10.545 0.682 0.792 0.844 S12 19.196 16.137 13.044 0.721 0.804 0.865 平均值 20.422 16.069 13.668 0.709 0.823 0.865 -
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