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周圆 王明非 杜晓婷 陈艳芳

周圆, 王明非, 杜晓婷, 陈艳芳. 基于层次特征复用的视频超分辨率重建. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(9): 1736−1746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210095
引用本文: 周圆, 王明非, 杜晓婷, 陈艳芳. 基于层次特征复用的视频超分辨率重建. 自动化学报, 2024, 50(9): 1736−1746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210095
Zhou Yuan, Wang Ming-Fei, Du Xiao-Ting, Chen Yan-Fang. Video super-resolution via hierarchical feature reuse. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(9): 1736−1746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210095
Citation: Zhou Yuan, Wang Ming-Fei, Du Xiao-Ting, Chen Yan-Fang. Video super-resolution via hierarchical feature reuse. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2024, 50(9): 1736−1746 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210095


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c210095 cstr: 32138.14.j.aas.c210095
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U2006211), 国家重点研发计划(2020YFC1523204)资助

    周圆:天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院副教授. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉与图像/视频通信. 本文通信作者. E-mail: zhouyuan@tju.edu.cn

    王明非:天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉与机器学习. E-mail: wmf997@126.com

    杜晓婷:天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉与机器学习. E-mail: 18225511181@163.com

    陈艳芳:天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为计算机视觉与机器学习. E-mail: chyf@tju.edu.cn

Video Super-resolution via Hierarchical Feature Reuse

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2006211) and National Key Research and Development Program of China (2020YFC1523204)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    ZHOU Yuan Associate professor at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. Her research interest covers computer vision and image/video communication. Corresponding author of the paper

    WANG Ming-Fei Master student at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. His research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

    DU Xiao-Ting Master student at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. Her research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

    CHEN Yan-Fang Ph.D. candidate at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University. Her research interest covers computer vision and machine learning

  • 摘要: 当前的深度卷积神经网络方法, 在视频超分辨率任务上实现的性能提升相对于图像超分辨率任务略低, 部分原因是它们对层次结构特征中的某些关键帧间信息的利用不够充分. 为此, 提出一个称作层次特征复用网络(Hierarchical feature reuse network, HFRNet)的结构, 用以解决上述问题. 该网络保留运动补偿帧的低频内容, 并采用密集层次特征块(Dense hierarchical feature block, DHFB)自适应地融合其内部每个残差块的特征, 之后用长距离特征复用融合多个DHFB间的特征, 从而促进高频细节信息的恢复. 实验结果表明, 提出的方法在定量和定性指标上均优于当前的方法.
  • 图  1  层次特征复用网络(HFRNet)的结构

    Fig.  1  Architecture of hierarchical feature reuse network (HFRNet)

    图  2  DHFB的详细结构

    Fig.  2  Detailed architecture of dense hierarchical feature block (DHFB)

    图  3  本文方法和其他方法在VIDEO4和Myanmar数据集下得到的平均PSNR和平均SSIM

    Fig.  3  Average PSNRs and SSIMs obtained by our method and other methods on VIDEO4 and Myanmar datasets

    图  4  HFRNet 与其他模型在 VIDEO4 数据集图像上超分辨率的定性对比

    Fig.  4  Qualitative super-resolution comparison of HFRNet with other models on an image from VIDEO4 dataset

    图  5  HFRNet 与其他模型在 Myanmar 数据集图像上超分辨率的定性对比

    Fig.  5  Qualitative super-resolution comparison of HFRNet with other models on an image from Myanmar dataset

    图  6  HFRNet 重建细节与其他模型超分辨率的定性对比

    Fig.  6  Qualitative super-resolution comparison of the reconstruction details by HFRNet and other models

    表  1  不同DHFB数目(D)和每个DHFB残差块数目(R)对2倍率超分辨率重建性能的影响(PSNR (dB))

    Table  1  The impact (PSNR (dB)) of different numbers of DHFBs (D) and residual blocks (R) on the performance of 2× super-resolution reconstruction task

    R6D834.901 (±0.035)37.102 (±0.054)32.187 (±0.069)27.140 (±0.007)32.833 (±0.041)
    R8D634.633 (±0.039)36.873 (±0.025)32.144 (±0.050)27.109 (±0.019)32.690 (±0.034)
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    表  2  不同网络结构实验结果的平均PSNR及所需参数量

    Table  2  The average PSNR and number of parameters for different network architectures

    尺度网络结构参数量CITY序列 (dB)WALK序列 (dB)FOLIAGE序列 (dB)CALENDAR序列 (dB)平均PSNR (dB)
    ×2无层次特征复用2.85 M33.79335.91931.88426.29131.972
    HFRNet(a)3.01 M34.89637.21032.22427.13732.866
    HFRNet(b)3.10 M35.10437.21832.23027.15832.927
    ×3无层次特征复用2.85 M27.22030.11327.01923.34426.924
    HFRNet(a)3.01 M28.23531.51327.53924.19027.869
    HFRNet(b)3.10 M28.24031.61327.58724.21727.914
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    表  3  不同光流估计方法对超分辨率重建性能的影响(PSNR (dB))

    Table  3  The impact (PSNR (dB)) of different optical flow estimation methods on super-resolution reconstruction performance

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    表  4  不同运动补偿算法对超分辨率重建性能的影响(平均PSNR (dB))

    Table  4  Average PSNR (dB) in video super-resolution task, with different motion compensation algorithm

    运动补偿算法与参数尺度MC (k = 0.050)MC (k = 0.100)MC (k = 0.125)MC (k = 0.175)AMC
    平均PSNR (dB)×232.49332.51032.71432.61532.927
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