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舒智林 李思宜 于宁波 朱志中 巫嘉陵 韩建达

舒智林, 李思宜, 于宁波, 朱志中, 巫嘉陵, 韩建达. 一种脑肢融合的神经康复训练在线评价与调整方法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(5): 1209−1219 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200452
引用本文: 舒智林, 李思宜, 于宁波, 朱志中, 巫嘉陵, 韩建达. 一种脑肢融合的神经康复训练在线评价与调整方法. 自动化学报, 2022, 48(5): 1209−1219 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200452
Shu Zhi-Lin, Li Si-Yi, Yu Ning-Bo, Zhu Zhi-Zhong, Wu Jia-Ling, Han Jian-Da. A brain-limb fusion approach to online assessment and adjustment of rehabilitation trainings. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1209−1219 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200452
Citation: Shu Zhi-Lin, Li Si-Yi, Yu Ning-Bo, Zhu Zhi-Zhong, Wu Jia-Ling, Han Jian-Da. A brain-limb fusion approach to online assessment and adjustment of rehabilitation trainings. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1209−1219 doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200452


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.c200452
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61720106012, U1913208, 61873135)资助

    舒智林:南开大学人工智能学院博士研究生. 主要研究方向为上肢神经康复, 脑功能网络. E-mail: shuzhilin2017@outlook.com

    李思宜:南开大学人工智能学院硕士研究生. 主要研究方向为康复和辅助机器人. E-mail: lisiyitt@outlook.com

    于宁波:南开大学人工智能学院教授. 主要研究方向为医疗康复机器人, 医疗人工智能. 本文通信作者. E-mail: nyu@nankai.edu.cn

    朱志中:天津市环湖医院康复医学科副主任医师. 主要研究方向为脑血管病和帕金森病的康复治疗及评估. E-mail: zhu36121209@sina.com

    巫嘉陵:天津市环湖医院神经内科和康复医学科主任医师. 主要研究方向为人工智能在神经系统疾病上的应用. E-mail: wywjl2009@hotmail.com

    韩建达:南开大学杰出教授. 主要研究方向为机器人自主行为与人机协作/共融方法, 医疗康复机器人, 地面移动及飞行机器人技术与系统. E-mail: hanjianda@nankai.edu.cn

A Brain-limb Fusion Approach to Online Assessment and Adjustment of Rehabilitation Trainings

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61720106012, U1913208, 61873135)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    SHU Zhi-Lin Ph.D. candidate at the College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University. His research interest covers upper limb neurorehabilitation and brain functional network

    LI Si-Yi Master student at the College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University. Her main research interest is rehabilitation and assistive robots

    YU Ning-Bo Professor at the College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University. His research interest covers medical and rehabilitation robotics, and medical artificial intelligence. Corresponding author of this paper

    ZHU Zhi-Zhong Associate senior doctor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital. His main research interest is cerebrovascular disease and rehabilitation treatment and evaluation of Parkinson's disease

    WU Jia-Ling Senior doctor in the Department of Neurology and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital. His main research interest is the application of artificial intelligence in nervous system diseases

    HAN Jian-Da Outstanding professor at Nankai University. His research interest covers robot autonomy and human-robot coordination, medical and rehabilitation robotics, mobile and flying robotics

  • 摘要: 在神经康复训练中, 保持患者积极主动参与、提供适配其运动能力的训练难度, 对于取得良好的康复效果至关重要. 针对患者在长期康复训练过程中容易懈怠甚至出现惰性效应、运动能力有波动等挑战, 系统提出了一种脑肢融合的神经康复训练在线评价与调整方法. 首先, 从脑、肢体以及训练任务三个层面, 基于脑电(Electroencephalography, EEG)信号、肢体运动数据和任务评分, 建立了对患者神经参与程度、运动控制能力和任务完成情况的量化评价方法. 进而, 在任务操作难度、辅助或干扰力场以及视觉辅助等方面, 设计了康复训练任务内和任务间的在线调整方法. 通过一个针对手功能康复的灵巧操作任务, 实现了基于所提出的脑肢融合在线评价与调整方法的闭环神经康复训练. 开展实验, 招募16名受试者参加, 对比分析开环训练和闭环训练两种情况下的实验结果, 验证了所提出方法的可行性和有效性. 该工作可推广应用到脑功能障碍患者的运动康复训练, 进一步提高康复效果.
  • 图  1  系统整体设计示意图

    Fig.  1  Illustration of the overall system design

    图  2  操作任务虚拟场景和辅助视窗

    Fig.  2  The manipulation task scenario with visual assistance

    图  3  参与度指标计算流程

    Fig.  3  The calculation process of the engagement index

    图  4  康复训练在线评价与调整流程图

    Fig.  4  The flowchart for online assessment and adjustment of the rehabilitation training

    图  5  任务级调整策略

    Fig.  5  Inter-task adjustment strategy

    图  6  任务内调整策略和任务等级设置

    Fig.  6  Intra-task adjustment strategy and task level setting

    图  7  实验流程. 开环实验中, 操作任务参数确定、任务序列以伪随机方式生成; 闭环实验中, 操作任务的设置根据在线测评结果动态调整

    Fig.  7  The experimental procedures. The task configuration was fixed and the task sequence was pseudo-randomly produced in open-loop experiments, while adapted online based on assessment results in closed-loop experiments

    图  8  参数确定的“开环”实验结果((a) 神经参与程度; (b) 归一化急动度)

    Fig.  8  Results of the open-loop experiment with fixed task configuration ((a) neural engagement; (b) normalized jerk)

    图  9  闭环实验训练任务中虚拟轨迹等级变化

    Fig.  9  Changes of virtual track levels in training trials of closed-loop experiments

    图  10  单次训练任务的完成情况

    Fig.  10  Completion of a single trial

    图  11  开环和闭环实验指标对比((a)神经参与程度; (b)归一化急动度; (c)任务分数)

    Fig.  11  Comparison of indexes in the open-loop and closed-loop experiments ((a) neural engagement; (b) normalized jerk; (c) task scores)

    表  1  大脑皮层位置分区及功能表格[24]

    Table  1  The regions and functions of the cerebral cortex[24]

    T颞叶听觉, 嗅觉, 高级视觉功能, 分辨左右, 长期记忆
    P顶叶躯体感觉, 空间信息处理,
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    表  2  辅助/干扰力等级设置

    Table  2  Assistance/disturbance force level settings

    等级 1有辅助力, 无干扰力
    等级 2无辅助力, 无干扰力
    等级 3无辅助力, 有干扰力
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  视觉辅助等级设置

    Table  3  Visual assistance level settings

    等级 1提供局部放大场景
    等级 2不提供局部放大场景
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    表  4  虚拟轨迹等级设置

    Table  4  Virtual track level setting

    虚拟轨迹等级角度变化 (rad)
    等级 16.5
    等级 211.0
    等级 319.3
    等级 X13.5
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    表  5  脑波频段对应的人体状态[28-29]

    Table  5  Brainwave bands and corresponding human states[28-29]

    $\delta $0.1 ~ 4 Hz深度睡眠且没有做梦时
    $\theta $4 ~ 8 Hz与深度放松状态相关
    $\alpha $8 ~ 12 Hz与放松、平静和闭眼睛的状态相关
    $\beta $12 ~ 25 Hz与注意力和快速活动相关
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