摘要: 布匹瑕疵检测是纺织工业中产品质量评估的关键环节, 实现快速、准确、高效的布匹瑕疵检测对于提升纺织工业的产能具有重要意义. 在实际布匹生产过程中, 布匹瑕疵在形状、大小及数量分布上存在不平衡问题, 且纹理布匹复杂的纹理信息会掩盖瑕疵的特征, 加大布匹瑕疵检测难度. 本文提出基于深度卷积神经网络的分类不平衡纹理布匹瑕疵检测方法(Detecting defects in imbalanced texture fabric based on deep convolutional neural network, ITF-DCNN), 首先建立一种基于通道叠加的ResNet50卷积神经网络模型(ResNet50+)对布匹瑕疵特征进行优化提取; 其次提出一种冗余特征过滤的特征金字塔网络(Filter-feature pyramid network, F-FPN)对特征图中的背景特征进行过滤, 增强其中瑕疵特征的语义信息; 最后构造针对瑕疵数量进行加权的MFL (Multi focal loss)损失函数, 减轻数据集不平衡对模型的影响, 降低模型对于少数类瑕疵的不敏感性. 通过实验对比, 提出的方法能有效提升布匹瑕疵检测的准确率及定位精度, 同时降低了布匹瑕疵检测的误检率和漏检率, 明显优于当前主流的布匹瑕疵检测算法.Abstract: Fabric defect detection is a key part of product quality assessment in the textile industry. Achieving fast, accurate and efficient fabric defect detection is of great significance for improving the productivity of the textile industry. In the production process of fabric, imbalance exists in the shape, size and quantity distribution of fabric defects, and the complex texture information of the jacquard fabric will cover the characteristics of the defect, which makes it difficult to detect fabric defects. This paper proposes a method for detecting defects in imbalanced texture fabric based on deep convolutional neural network (ITF-DCNN). First, an improved ResNet50 convolutional neural network model (ResNet50+) based on channel concatenate is established to optimize the fabric defect features. Second, F-FPN (filter-feature pyramid network) method for filtering redundant feature is proposed to filter the background features in the feature maps and enhance the semantic information of defect features. Finally, a MFL (multi focal loss) function weighted with the number of defects is construct to reduce the impact of imbalance on the model, and reduce the model's insensitivity to a small number of defects. Experiments shows the proposed method effectively improves the accuracy of fabric defect detection and the accuracy of defect positioning, while reducing the false detection rate and missed detection rate of defect detection, which is significantly higher than the mainstream fabric defect detection algorithm.
表 1 增强前后数据集中的样本分布
Table 1 Samples distribution of the dataset before and after data augmentation
瑕疵类别 沾污 花毛 虫粘 破洞 蜡斑 网折 其他 正常 总计 训练集增强前 2432 398 208 122 73 77 52 2756 6118 训练集增强后 9728 1594 834 490 292 306 206 11026 24476 验证集增强前 141 33 12 6 2 5 4 420 623 验证集增强后 562 134 48 22 6 22 14 1672 2490 表 2 数据集增强前后模型准确率对比实验结果 (%)
Table 2 Experimental results of model on accuracy before and after dataset enhancement (%)
瑕疵类别 沾污 花毛 虫粘 破洞 蜡斑 网折 其他 正常 总计 数据集增强前 88.24 83.36 87.56 89.36 83.78 88.21 89.65 98.66 88.61 数据集增强后 90.56 85.51 90.35 91.42 87.64 89.24 90.02 99.81 90.57 表 3 数据集增强前后模型mAP对比实验结果 (%)
Table 3 Experimental results of model on mAP before and after dataset enhancement (%)
瑕疵类别 沾污 花毛 虫粘 破洞 蜡斑 网折 其他 正常 总计 数据集增强前 69.06 58.51 81.50 83.44 33.33 63.70 45.51 — 62.15 数据集增强后 70.04 59.12 83.23 83.54 35.78 63.70 47.31 — 63.25 表 4 不同模型在布匹瑕疵数据集上的实验结果 (%)
Table 4 Experimental results of different models on the jacquard fabric defect dataset (%)
检测器 主干网络 mAP 准确率 误检率 漏检率 Faster R-CNN ResNet50 65.56 87.40 12.60 1.42 Cascade R-CNN ResNet50 63.77 90.55 9.45 2.85 RetinaNet ResNet50 65.60 53.86 46.13 0.20 Faster R-CNN ResNet101 63.85 88.72 11.28 2.24 Cascade R-CNN ResNet101 64.60 90.35 9.65 1.83 RetinaNet ResNet101 66.52 56.23 43.77 0.12 GLCM — — 64.63 35.37 6.87 Gabor — — 83.87 16.13 1.67 GMM — — 81.32 18.68 1.77 PTIT[38] — — 92.56 7.44 0.94 CAE-SGAN[41] — — 85.01 14.99 2.65 SurfNet[42] — — 84.82 15.18 1.79 ITF-DCNN ResNet50 73.41 97.56 2.44 1.65 ITF-DCNN ResNet101 73.92 97.66 2.34 1.14 表 5 改进后的ResNet50+ 网络性能对比实验 (%)
Table 5 Experimental performance result of ResNet50+ (%)
mAP 准确率 误检率 漏检率 ResNet50 63.77 90.55 9.45 2.85 ResNet50+I 63.68 91.76 8.24 2.66 ResNet50+C 64.14 92.31 7.69 3.43 ResNet50+ 64.72 92.78 7.22 2.91 表 6 F-FPN性能验证实验结果 (%)
Table 6 Experimental performance result of F-FPN (%)
mAP 准确率 误检率 漏检率 Top-Down FPN 63.77 90.55 9.45 2.85 PANet 65.69 92.23 7.77 2.56 加性F-FPN 70.31 93.65 6.53 1.95 卷积F-FPN 71.42 96.72 3.28 1.25 表 7 MFL的性能验证实验结果
Table 7 Experimental performance result of MFL
损失函数 $ \alpha $ $ \gamma $ $ \omega $ mAP (%) 准确率 (%) 误检率 (%) 漏检率 (%) CE — — — 63.77 90.55 9.45 2.85 FL 0.25 5.0 — 52.53 70.23 29.77 9.56 FL 0.25 2.0 — 65.62 92.86 7.14 2.02 FL 0.25 1.0 — 64.88 91.91 8.09 2.12 FL 0.50 0.5 — 64.74 91.55 8.45 2.33 FL 0.75 0.2 — 59.27 83.02 16.98 8.50 FL 0.75 0.1 — 58.11 80.85 19.15 7.56 FL 0.75 0.0 — 58.01 81.22 18.78 7.66 MFL — 1.0 0.618 68.21 94.39 5.61 1.44 MFL — 2.0 0.618 70.12 95.32 4.68 1.68 MFL — 5.0 0.618 68.11 94.50 5.50 1.56 MFL — 2.0 0.100 67.22 93.68 6.32 2.26 MFL — 2.0 0.300 69.03 94.88 5.12 1.56 MFL — 2.0 1.000 69.22 95.17 4.83 1.29 MFL — 2.0 2.000 68.81 94.35 5.65 1.68 MFL — 2.0 5.000 64.38 92.41 7.59 2.42 表 8 采用F-FPN的模型在不同模板上的泛化性分析 (%)
Table 8 Generalization analysis of models using F-FPN on different templates (%)
模板1 模板2 模板3 模板4 模板5 模板6 模板7 模板8 模板9 模板10 均值 准确率 95.87 96.79 99.67 93.56 91.74 91.11 93.66 99.12 98.23 93.65 95.34 mAP 69.12 69.73 75.37 68.97 67.46 68.12 68.24 75.96 76.82 68.02 70.78 表 9 采用FPN的模型在不同模板上的泛化性分析 (%)
Table 9 Generalization analysis of models using FPN on different templates (%)
模板1 模板2 模板3 模板4 模板5 模板6 模板7 模板8 模板9 模板10 均值 准确率 91.63 91.04 92.38 90.39 88.34 88.12 91.25 91.75 91.42 89.11 90.54 mAP 62.43 61.75 65.86 62.01 61.99 61.08 62.51 65.63 66.74 61.46 63.07 -
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