Real-time Performance Evaluation of Assembly Systems With Three Bernoulli Machines and Finite Production Runs
摘要: 通常适用于大批量制造生产系统的稳态分析在过去几十年得到了广泛研究.然而,当生产量较小(例如,定制化有限小批量生产运行)时,暂态在生产过程中可能起到主要作用,稳态分析将变得不再适用.近年来,对有限小批量生产条件下的串行生产线的研究已经有了一些初步成果.与此同时,装配系统,其最终产品往往需要两个或者多个组件,也广泛用于实践生产中.本文中,在有限小批量生产运行的三机装配系统框架下,假设系统具有有限缓冲区容量,并且使用伯努利机器可靠性模型,研究了此类系统的性能评价问题.具体来说,首先推导出评价系统性能的数学模型和解析公式.然后,提出一种基于分解的方法来近似系统实时性能.最后,所提出的算法的准确性通过仿真数值实验进行了验证并通过一个数值实例进行了展示.Abstract: Steady state analysis of production, which is usually applicable to large-volume manufacturing systems, has been extensively studied during the past several decades. However, when the volume of the production is relatively small (e.g., finite production run-based operation with small run sizes), transient may play a major role during the production process and steady state analysis may become inapplicable. A few preliminary results have been derived for analyzing serial lines with finite production runs in recent years. Since assembly systems are also widely used in practice, where the final product requires several components, under the framework of finite production run-based assembly systems with finite buffers and with three machines having the Bernoulli reliability model, the problem of performance evaluation of such systems is investigated in this paper. Specifically, a mathematical model and analytical formulas to evaluate performances of the system are derived first. Then, a decomposition-based algorithm for performance approximation is also proposed and formulas for estimating the transient performance are derived. The accuracy of the algorithm is validated by numerical experiments and demonstrated by a numerical example.1) 本文责任编委 阳春华
表 1 系统状态排序
Table 1 Arrangement of the system states
State h1 h2 f0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ B+1 0 0 B B+2 0 1 0 B+3 0 1 1 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ Q-1 N1 N2 B-1 Q N1 N2 B -
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