摘要: 针对多工况过程,本文提出一种新的基于稀疏残差距离(Sparse residual distance,SRD)统计指标的故障检测方法.首先对正常的多工况标准化后数据直接进行稀疏分解,提取多个工况数据间相关关系,得到字典和对应的稀疏编码,以便构建全局检测模型,避免分工况且突出数据特征.然后计算正常多工况数据的近似值,构建稀疏残差空间,提出计算稀疏残差k近邻距离构建故障检测统计量,利用k近邻捕捉过程具有的非线性、多工况特征.最后通过数值案例和TE(Tennessee Eastman)生产过程进行仿真实验,验证了所提方法的有效性.Abstract: For multi-mode processes, a new fault detection method employing sparse residual distance (SRD) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, standardized normal multi-mode process data is directly used for sparse decomposition to extract correlation between multi-mode data, and a global detection model is established using the obtained dictionary and corresponding sparse coding, so as to avoid distinguishing modes and highlight data characteristics. Then calculating the approximate value of the normal multi-mode process data to construct the sparse residual space, in which sparse residual k-nearest neighbor distance is proposed, thus the nonlinear and multi-mode features of the process can be captured further by using k-nearest neighbor. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by a numerical example and the Tennessee Eastman (TE) production process.1) 本文责任编委 王伟
表 1 TE过程故障
Table 1 Failures of TE process
故障编号 性质描述 变化类型 IDV 1 物料A/C进料比改变, 物料B含量不变 阶跃 IDV 2 物料A/C进料比不变, 物料B含量改变 阶跃 IDV 4 反应器冷却入口温度改变 阶跃 IDV 6 物料A进料损失 阶跃 IDV 7 物料C压力损失 阶跃 IDV 13 反应动力学参数改变 慢偏移 IDV 16 未知 未知 表 2 本文采用的TE过程生产模式
Table 2 TE process production model used in this paper
生产模式 G/H比率 产品生产率 1 50/50 7 038 kgh-1 G和7 038 kgh-1 H 3 90/10 1 000 kgh-1 G和1 111 kgh-1 H "kgh-1 G"表示"每小时生产多少千克的G产品", "kgh-1 H"表示"每小时生产多少千克的H产品". 表 3 误报率及检测率汇总表
Table 3 False alarm rate and detection rate summary table
故障号 KSVD-R SRD 误报率(%) 检测率(%) 误报率(%) 检测率(%) 1 4.50 0.10 100 100 2.00 0 100 100 2 4.50 0.10 100 98.6 2.00 0 100 100 4 4.50 0.10 100 100 2.00 0 100 100 6 4.50 0.10 100 100 2.00 0 100 100 7 4.50 0.10 100 100 2.00 0 100 100 13 4.50 0.10 89.6 82.1 2.00 0 97.8 90.2 16 4.50 0.10 94.6 90.2 2.00 0 98.6 94.7 注1:表 3中误报率和漏报率下属两列数据, 靠前的一列为控制限为95%的数值, 靠后的一列为控制限为99%的数值 -
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