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董西松 沈震 熊刚 朱凤华 胡斌

董西松, 沈震, 熊刚, 朱凤华, 胡斌. 城市轨道交通CPSS平台构建研究. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(4): 682-692. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180269
引用本文: 董西松, 沈震, 熊刚, 朱凤华, 胡斌. 城市轨道交通CPSS平台构建研究. 自动化学报, 2019, 45(4): 682-692. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180269
DONG Xi-Song, SHEN Zhen, XIONG Gang, ZHU Feng-Hua, HU Bin. Construction of CPSS Platform of Urban Rail Transit System. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(4): 682-692. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180269
Citation: DONG Xi-Song, SHEN Zhen, XIONG Gang, ZHU Feng-Hua, HU Bin. Construction of CPSS Platform of Urban Rail Transit System. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2019, 45(4): 682-692. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180269


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180269

国家自然科学基金 61533019

广东省科技厅项目 2017B090912001

国家重点研究发展计划 2018YFB1004803

国家自然科学基金 61773381

国家自然科学基金 61773382


    董西松  中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室副研究员.2007年获得北京科技大学博士学位.主要研究方向为复杂系统的建模与控制, 智能交通系统.E-mail:xisong.dong@ia.ac.cn

    沈震  中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室副研究员.2009年获得清华大学博士学位.主要研究方向为智能制造, 3D打印, 复杂系统性能评估与优化.E-mail:zhen.shen@ia.ac.cn

    朱凤华  中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室高级工程师.2008年获得中国科学院自动化研究所博士学位.主要研究方向为人工交通系统, 平行交通管理系统.E-mail:fenghua.zhu@ia.ac.cn

    胡斌  中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室助理研究员.2006年获得清华大学博士学位.主要研究方向为机器人, 辅助驾驶和智能安防.E-mail:binhu@ia.ac.cn


    熊刚  中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室研究员.1996年获得上海交通大学博士学位.主要研究方向为复杂系统平行控制, 智能制造, 智能交通.本文通信作者.E-mail:gang.xiong@ia.ac.cn

Construction of CPSS Platform of Urban Rail Transit System


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61533019

Guangdong0s Science and Technology Project 2017B090912001

National Key Research and Development Program of China 2018YFB1004803

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61773381

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61773382

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Associate professor at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2007. His research interest covers the modeling and analysis of complex systems, and intelligent transportation system

     Associate professor at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2009. His research interest covers intelligent manufacturing, 3D printing, and evaluation and optimization of complex systems

     Senior engineer at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. His research interest covers artiflcial transportation systems and parallel transportation management systems

     Assistant professor at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2006. His research interest covers intelligent manufacturing, research focuses on the study of key technologies in robotics, driving assistant, and intelligent surveillance

    Corresponding author: XIONG Gang  Professor at the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1996. His research interest covers parallel control of complex system, intelligent manufacturing, and intelligent transportation. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 城市轨道交通系统同时涉及工程复杂性和社会复杂性,呈现动态性、开放性、交互性、自主性等特征,是社会物理信息系统(Cyber-physical-social system,CPSS)的典型代表,传统的仿真技术难以对其进行全面的研究和分析.本文研究并构建了城市轨道交通CPSS平台(包括物理系统模型、社会系统模型、Cyber系统模型),建立相应的计算实验平台和综合评估系统,描述其详细功能.通过CPSS平台可进行各种极限和常规实验,对城市轨道交通在正常情况下的评估优化和在突发事故下的应急管理进行研究,提高对城市轨道交通的建模、评估、分析和优化能力,还可为运行方案评估与规划、城市轨道交通设计、应急预案评价与优化、人员培训等方面提供技术支持.
    1)  本文责任编委 董海荣
  • 图  1  信息物理系统(CPS)和社会信息物理系统(CPSS)

    Fig.  1  Cyber-physical-system (CPS) and cyber-physical-social system (CPSS)

    图  2  城市轨道交通CPSS平台基本框架系

    Fig.  2  The basic framework of CPSS-URT

    图  3  城市轨道交通系统CPSS整体研究路线

    Fig.  3  The holistic research route of CPSS-URT

    图  4  城市轨道交通CPSS物理系统模型架构

    Fig.  4  The model architecture of physical system of CPSS-URT

    图  5  城市轨道交通CPSS通用模型(Cyber系统)

    Fig.  5  The universal model (Cyber system) of CPSS-URT

    图  6  城市轨道交通CPSS平台计算实验流程图

    Fig.  6  The flowchart of computational experiments of CPSS-URT

    图  7  城市轨道交通CPSS综合评估流程图

    Fig.  7  The flowchart of comprehensive evaluation of CPSS-URT

    图  8  轨道交通系统CPSS平台应用验证流程图

    Fig.  8  The flowchart of application of CPSS-URT platform

    图  9  城市轨道交通系统可靠性评估指标

    Fig.  9  The reliability indicators of URT

    图  10  城市轨道交通系统CPSS平台案例分析流程

    Fig.  10  The analysis chart of case studies of CPSS-URT

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-05-01
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