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邱保志 张瑞霖 李向丽

邱保志, 张瑞霖, 李向丽. 基于残差分析的混合属性数据聚类算法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(7): 1420-1432. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180030
引用本文: 邱保志, 张瑞霖, 李向丽. 基于残差分析的混合属性数据聚类算法. 自动化学报, 2020, 46(7): 1420-1432. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180030
QIU Bao-Zhi, ZHANG Rui-Lin, LI Xiang-Li. Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Data Based on Residual Analysis. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(7): 1420-1432. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180030
Citation: QIU Bao-Zhi, ZHANG Rui-Lin, LI Xiang-Li. Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Data Based on Residual Analysis. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2020, 46(7): 1420-1432. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180030


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c180030

河南省基础与前沿技术研究项目 152300410191


    邱保志  郑州大学信息工程学院教授.主要研究方向为数据库, 先进智能系统, 数据挖掘. E-mail: iebzqiu@zzu.edu.cn

    李向丽  郑州大学信息工程学院教授.主要研究方向为计算机网络, 数据挖掘. E-mail: iexlli@zzu.edu.cn


    张瑞霖  郑州大学信息工程学院硕士研究生.主要研究方向为模式识别和数据挖掘.本文通信作者. E-mail: zzurlz@163.com

Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Data Based on Residual Analysis


Basic and Advanced Technology Research Project of Henan Province 152300410191

More Information
    Author Bio:

    QIU Bao-Zhi   Professor at the School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University. His research interest covers database, advanced intelligent system, and data mining

    LI Xiang-Li   Professor at the School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University. Her research interest covers computer network and data mining

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Rui-Lin   Master student at the School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University. His research interest covers pattern recognition and data mining. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 针对混合属性数据聚类结果精度不高、聚类结果对参数敏感等问题, 提出了基于残差分析的混合属性数据聚类算法(Clustering algorithm for mixed data based on residual analysis) RA-Clust.算法以改进的熵权重混合属性相似性度量对象间的相似性, 以提出的基于KNN和Parzen窗的局部密度计算方法计算每个对象的密度, 通过线性回归和残差分析进行聚类中心预选取, 然后以提出的聚类中心目标优化模型确定真正的聚类中心, 最后将其他数据对象按照距离高密度对象的最小距离划分到相应的簇中, 形成最终聚类.在合成数据集和UCI数据集上的实验结果验证了算法的有效性.与同类算法相比, RA-Clust具有较高的聚类精度.
    Recommended by Associate Editor ZHANG Min-Ling
    1)  本文责任编委 张敏灵
  • 图  1  Flame数据集的密度权重分布(降序)

    Fig.  1  Density weight distribution of Flame (descending)

    图  2  Flame数据集的残差分布图(降序)

    Fig.  2  The residual distribution graph of Flame (descending)

    图  3  各算法在二维数据集上的聚类结果

    Fig.  3  The clustering results of each algorithm on two-dimensional datasets

    图  4  参数$k$与聚类准确度

    Fig.  4  Clustering accuracy changes with parameter $k$

    图  5  算法的运行时间与样本量、维度的关系

    Fig.  5  Effect of the number of dimensions and samples on the execution time

    表  1  目标优化模型的迭代计算过程

    Table  1  Iterative calculation process of objective optimization model

    P1-P2 P1-P3 P1-P4 P1-P5 P1-P6 P1-P7 P1-P8 P1-P9 P1-P10 P1-P11 P1-P12 P1-P13
    U 1.0369 1.2274 1.4342 1.4336 1.3781 1.3433 1.3957 1.2310 1.2207 1.1352 1.2556 1.2315
    DBI 0.4074 0.4647 0.8507 0.6806 0.5671 0.5092 0.6260 0.4740 0.4140 0.3295 0.5415 0.4998
    SC 0.3335 0.0099 $-$0.0178 $-$0.1866 $-$0.8192 $-$0.1775 $-$0.1655 0.0120 $-$0.0275 0.0588 0.0303 0.0367
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    表  2  $\alpha$的取值与聚类中心个数

    Table  2  The value of alpha and the number of cluster centers

    $\alpha$ 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.001 0.0001
    DC-MDACC 9 9 7 5 4 3 3 3
    RA-Clust 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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    表  3  数据集的基本信息

    Table  3  The basic information of the datasets

    No. Datasets Data Sources $m$ $m_r$ $m_c$ Class Instance
    1 Flame Synthesis 2 2 0 2 240
    2 R15 Synthesis 2 2 0 15 600
    3 Spiral Synthesis 2 2 0 3 312
    4 Aggregation Synthesis 2 2 0 7 788
    5 Seeds UCI 7 7 0 3 210
    6 Wine UCI 13 13 0 3 178
    7 Soybean UCI 35 0 35 4 47
    8 SPECT Heart UCI 22 0 22 2 267
    9 Tic-tac-toe UCI 10 0 10 2 958
    10 Congressional Voting UCI 16 0 16 2 435
    11 Australian Credit Approval UCI 14 6 8 2 690
    12 Credit Approval UCI 15 6 9 2 690
    13 Heart Disease UCI 13 6 7 2 303
    14 German Credit UCI 20 7 13 2 1 000
    15 ZOO UCI 16 1 15 7 101
    16 Japanese Credit UCI 15 6 9 2 690
    17 Post Operative Patient UCI 8 1 7 3 90
    18 Hepatitis UCI 19 6 13 2 155
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    表  4  数值属性数据集上的聚类结果比较

    Table  4  Comparison of clustering results on numerical attribute datasets

    数据集 算法 参数 ACC (%) NMI Purity JC RI FMI
    Flame K-means $k = 2$ 82.9167 0.3939 0.8292 0.5684 0.7155 0.7253
    DPC $dc = 0.9301$ 78.7500 0.4131 0.7875 0.5133 0.6639 0.6786
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 4$, $EPS = 0.83$ 94.1667 0.8448 0.9875 0.9144 0.9540 0.9561
    FCM $k = 2$ 85 0.4420 0.8500 0.6032 0.7439 0.7530
    CLUB $k = 5$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    RA-Clust $k = 60$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    Spiral K-means $k = 3$ 34.6154 0.00005 0.3494 0.1960 0.5540 0.3278
    DPC $dc = 1.7443$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 10$, $EPS = 1$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    FCM $k = 3$ 33.9744 0.00002 0.3429 0.1956 0.5541 0.3272
    CLUB $k = 6$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    RA-Clust $k = 10$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    Aggregation K-means $k = 7$ 73.3503 0.8036 0.8883 0.5676 0.8958 0.7321
    DPC $dc = 1$ 94.0355 0.9705 0.9987 0.9591 0.9911 0.9793
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 4$, $EPS = 0.83$ 82.7411 0.8894 0.8274 1 1 1
    FCM $k = 7$ 79.6954 0.8427 0.9315 0.6433 0.9187 0.7926
    CLUB $k = 6$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    RA-Clust $k = 12$ 99.8731 0.9957 0.9987 0.9966 0.9993 0.9983
    R15 K-means $k = 15$ 79.5000 0.8989 0.7950 0.6075 0.9606 0.7704
    DPC $dc = 0.9500$ 99.5000 0.9922 0.9950 0.9801 0.9987 0.9900
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 5$, $EPS = 0.32$ 78.1667 0.9121 0.7850 0.5927 0.9627 0.7642
    FCM $k = 15$ 99.6667 0.9942 0.9967 0.9866 0.9991 0.9932
    CLUB $k = 7$ 99.5000 0.9913 0.9950 0.9799 0.9987 0.9899
    RA-Clust $k = 10$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    Seeds K-means $k = 3$ 55.2381 0.4924 0.6667 0.4430 0.7052 0.6198
    DPC $dc = 0.4$ 62.06 0.6560 0.7340 0.6633 0.7125 0.7988
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 4$, $EPS = 1.3$ 34.2857 0.0183 0.3429 0.4964 0.7767 0.7046
    FCM $k = 3$ 89.5238 0.6744 0.8952 0.6814 0.8743 0.8105
    CLUB $k = 24$ 81.3412 0.6612 0.81314 0.6445 0.6122 0.7412
    RA-Clust $k = 9$ 89.5238 0.6744 0.8952 0.6815 0.8748 0.8106
    Wine K-means $k = 3$ 58.4270 0.3804 0.7047 0.3449 0.7032 0.5160
    DPC $dc = 0.3162$ 58.43 0.2802 0.1794 0.5912 0.7016 0.6498
    DBSCAN $MinPts = 2$, $EPS = 1.3$ 38.2022 0.0268 0.3989 0.4864 0.7024 0.6888
    FCM $k = 3$ 63.7303 0.4073 0.6373 0.6957 0.9034 0.8206
    CLUB $k = 24$ 60.3321 0.4101 0.6033 0.6217 0.6234 0.7406
    RA-Clust $k = 25$ 64.6067 0.4277 0.6461 0.6671 0.8904 0.8007
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    表  5  分类属性数据集上的聚类结果比较

    Table  5  Comparison of clustering results on categorical attribute dataset

    数据集 算法 参数 ACC (%) NMI Purity JC RI FMI
    Soybean K-modes $k = 4$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    EKP $k = 4$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 53.1915 0.2980 0.5745 0.2326 0.6947 0.3774
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 4$, $m = 1.1$ 70.2128 0.7892 0.7872 0.5601 0.8205 0.7348
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 4$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 6$ %, $t = 5$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    RA-Clust $k = 30$ 100 1 1 1 1 1
    SPECT Heart K-modes $k = 4$ 60.9626 0.0697 0.9198 0.4963 0.5215 0.6768
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 40.6417 0.0332 0.5241 0.4807 0.8137 0.6831
    FKP-MD $Ite = 200$, $k = 2$, $m = 1.4$ 54.5455 0.0494 0.9198 0.4680 0.5015 0.6565
    IKP-MD $Ite = 200$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 67.3797 0.0568 0.9198 0.5398 0.5580 0.7094
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 1.5$, $t = 3$ 85.5615 0.8549 0.9198 0.7464 0.7491 0.8549
    RA-Clust $k = 65$ 90.3743 0.0071 0.9198 0.8245 0.8249 0.9056
    Tia-tac-toe K-modes $k = 2$ 54.6973 0.0005 0.6534 0.3669 0.5039 0.5369
    EKP $k = 4$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 55.33 0.0075 0.6534 0.3560 0.5026 0.5256
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 1.1$ 57.0981 0.0128 0.6534 0.3623 0.5096 0.5324
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 57.9332 0.0078 0.6534 0.3728 0.5121 0.5433
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 22.75$ %, $t = 50$ 64.3006 0.0066 0.6534 0.4883 0.5404 0.6674
    RA-Clust $k = 44$ 65.6576 0.0067 0.6566 0.5458 0.5486 0.7375
    Congressional Voting K-modes $k = 2$ 84.1379 0.4048 0.8414 0.5857 0.7325 0.7389
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 83.6207 0.3602 0.8362 0.5678 0.7249 0.7244
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 3.6$ 84.9138 0.3962 0.8491 0.5902 0.7427 0.7423
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 2$ 83.1897 0.3641 0.8319 0.5618 0.7191 0.7194
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 6.29$ %, $t = 10$ 80.6897 0.3802 0.8069 0.5343 0.6877 0.6966
    RA-Clust $k = 10$ 86.2069 0.4501 0.8621 0.7227 0.7116 0.7677
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    表  6  混合属性数据集上的聚类结果比较

    Table  6  Comparison of clustering results on mixed datasets

    数据集 算法 参数 ACC (%) NMI Purity JC RI FMI
    Disease Heart K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.4$ 57.7558 0.0143 0.5776 0.3581 0.5101 0.5277
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.9$, $Ip = 0.1$ 52.4752 0.0065 0.5413 0.4820 0.4996 0.6816
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 1.2$ 52.4752 0 0.5413 0.3349 0.4984 0.5018
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 22$ %, $t = 20$ 75.9076 0.2018 0.7591 0.4639 0.6330 0.6338
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 52.1452 0.0026 0.5413 0.3405 0.4993 0.5081
    RA-Clust $k = 30$ 77.5578 0.2291 0.7756 0.4858 0.6507 0.6540
    Credit Approval K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.7$ 55.2833 0.0134 0.5528 0.5015 0.5048 0.7062
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 68.2609 0.1133 0.6826 0.4538 0.5661 0.6292
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 1.3$ 83.7681 0.3733 0.8377 0.5735 0.7277 0.7290
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 17$ %, $t = 20$ 82.2358 0.3742 0.8224 0.5522 0.7074 0.7115
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 78.8406 0.2778 0.7884 0.5022 0.6659 0.6687
    RA-Clust $k = 70$ 83.3078 0.4013 0.8652 0.5827 0.7438 0.7368
    Australian Credit Approval K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.4$ 56.2319 0.0162 0.5623 0.5030 0.5071 0.7071
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 55.9001 0.0048 0.5600 0.4566 0.5704 0.6317
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 0.6$ 55.6522 0.0034 0.5565 0.5049 0.5057 0.7101
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 18$ %, $t = 20$ 82.1739 0.3611 0.8217 0.5499 0.7066 0.7096
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 81.7391 0.3105 0.8174 0.5469 0.7010 0.7072
    RA-Clust $k = 70$ 82.3188 0.3795 0.8652 0.5727 0.7400 0.7295
    German Credit K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.15$ 67.0000 0.0123 0.7000 0.4898 0.5580 0.6610
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.56$ 54.1000 0.0014 0.7000 0.3865 0.5029 0.5578
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 2$, $m = 1.4$ 67.0000 0.0096 0.7000 0.4942 0.5574 0.6658
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 1.5$, $t = 3$ 65.7000 0.0306 0.0716 0.5121 0.5704 0.6831
    IKP-MD $Ite = 130$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 29.0000 0.0169 0.7000 0.1860 0.4568 0.3542
    RA-Clust $k = 80$ 66.3000 0.0308 0.7240 0.5050 0.5717 0.0752
    ZOO K-prototypes $k = 7$, $\lambda = 0.6$ 73.2673 0.7236 0.8416 0.5746 0.8798 0.7307
    EKP $k = 7$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 61.3861 0.4641 0.7030 0.3780 0.8061 0.5504
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 7$, $m = 2.1$ 83.1683 0.8689 0.4059 0.6488 0.9430 0.8055
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 7.94$ %, $t = 11$ 84.1584 0.8077 0.8416 0.8036 0.9523 0.8911
    IKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 7$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 87.1287 0.8778 0.9307 0.7749 0.9453 0.8760
    RA-Clust $k = 5$ 89.1089 0.8815 0.8911 0.9547 0.9897 0.9770
    Post Operative Patient K-prototypes $k = 3$, $\lambda = 0.7$ 62.0690 0.0256 0.7241 0.4355 0.5354 0.6069
    EKP $k = 7$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 67.7778 0.0274 0.7111 0.5398 0.5898 0.7131
    FKP-MD $Ite = 200$, $k = 3$, $m = 1.4$ 53.3333 0.0231 0.7111 0.3516 0.4792 0.5210
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 81$ %, $t = 3$ 70.1149 0.0110 0.7126 0.5800 0.5924 0.7572
    IKP-MD $Ite = 150$, $k = 3$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 41.1111 0.0228 0.7111 0.2641 0.4754 0.4340
    RA-Clust $k = 70$ 70.1149 0.0110 0.7326 0.5800 0.5924 0.7572
    Japanese Credit K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.6$ 55.2833 0.0134 0.5528 0.5015 0.5048 0.7062
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 62.1746 0.0916 0.6738 0.3956 0.5594 0.5669
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 7$, $m = 2.1$ 83.3078 0.3539 0.8331 0.5653 0.7215 0.7223
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 1.5$, $t = 3$ 56.9678 0.2184 0.7142 0.3657 0.5986 0.5430
    IKP-MD $Ite = 130$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 78.8668 0.2781 0.7887 0.5024 0.6661 0.6688
    RA-Clust $k = 80$ 83.3078 0.4013 0.8652 0.5827 0.7438 0.7368
    Hepatitis K-prototypes $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.35$ 65.0000 0.00003 0.8375 0.4794 0.5392 0.6518
    EKP $k = 2$, $Cp = 0.8$, $Ip = 0.5$ 78.7500 0.0284 0.8375 0.6554 0.6611 0.7967
    FKP-MD $Ite = 100$, $k = 7$, $m = 1.3$ 77.5000 0.2017 0.8375 0.5649 0.6465 0.7290
    DP-MD-FN $dc = 7.94$ %, $t = 11$ 78.7500 0.1794 0.8150 0.6541 0.7092 0.7916
    IKP-MD $Ite = 300$, $k = 2$, $\lambda = 0.8$ 83.7500 0.2418 0.8375 0.6598 0.7244 0.7974
    RA-Clust $k = 10$ 86.2500 0.2847 0.8625 0.7019 0.7598 0.8262
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    表  7  算法的时间复杂度分析

    Table  7  The time complexity analysis of the algorithms

    算法 时间复杂度
    K-means ${\rm O}(Item\times n\times k)$[37]
    FCM ${\rm O}(Item\times n\times k)$[10]
    DBSCAN ${\rm O}(n^2)$[11]
    DPC ${\rm O}(n^2)$[12]
    CLUB ${\rm O}(n\log_2n)$[13]
    K-prototypes ${\rm O}(\left(s+1 \right)\times k\times n)$[17]
    EKP ${\rm O}(T\times k\times n)$[15]
    DC-MDACC ${\rm O}(iter\times m\times n^2)$[22]
    DP-MD-FN ${\rm O}(\left(r^2m_c^2+m_r^2 \right)N^2)$[18]
    IKP-MD ${\rm O}(k\left(m+p+Nm-Np \right)nl)$[16]
    FKP-MD ${\rm O}(m^2n+m^2s^3+k\left(m+p+Nm-Np \right)ns)$[17]
    RA-Clust ${\rm O}(n\sqrt n)$
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