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孙秋野 胡旌伟 杨凌霄 张化光

孙秋野, 胡旌伟, 杨凌霄, 张化光. 基于GAN技术的自能源混合建模与参数辨识方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(5): 901-914. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170487
引用本文: 孙秋野, 胡旌伟, 杨凌霄, 张化光. 基于GAN技术的自能源混合建模与参数辨识方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(5): 901-914. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170487
SUN Qiu-Ye, HU Jing-Wei, YANG Ling-Xiao, ZHANG Hua-Guang. We-energy Hybrid Modeling and Parameter Identification With GAN Technology. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(5): 901-914. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170487
Citation: SUN Qiu-Ye, HU Jing-Wei, YANG Ling-Xiao, ZHANG Hua-Guang. We-energy Hybrid Modeling and Parameter Identification With GAN Technology. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(5): 901-914. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170487


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170487

国家自然科学基金 61573094

中央高校基础科研业务费 N140402001

国家自然科学基金重点项目 61433004


    胡旌伟   东北大学信息科学与工程学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为博弈论及其在能源互联网, 微网, 配电网等领域相关应用.E-mail:hjw neu@outlook.com

    杨凌霄   东北大学信息科学与工程学院博士研究生.主要研究方向为机器学习及其在能源互联网, 微网, 配电网等领域相关应用.E-mail:ylxiao66@163.com

    张化光   东北大学信息科学与工程学院教授.主要研究方向为自适应动态规划, 模糊控制, 网络控制, 混沌控制.E-mail:zhanghuaguang@mail.neu.edu.cn


    孙秋野   东北大学信息科学与工程学院教授.主要研究方向为网络控制技术, 分布式控制技术, 分布式优化分析及其在能源互联网, 微网, 配电网等领域相关应用.本文通信作者.E-mail:sunqiuye@mail.neu.edu.cn

We-energy Hybrid Modeling and Parameter Identification With GAN Technology


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61573094

The Central University Based Research Fees N140402001

the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 61433004

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D. candidate at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers game theory and its various applications in energy internet, microgrid, power distribution network

     Ph. D. candidate at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. Her research interest covers machine learning and its various applications in energy internet, microgrid, power distribution network

     Professor at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers adaptive dynamic programming, fuzzy control, network control, and chaos control

    Corresponding author: SUN Qiu-Ye  Professor at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University. His research interest covers network control technology, distributed control technology, distributed optimization analysis and various applications in energy internet, microgrid, power distribution network. Corresponding author of this paper.
  • 摘要: 自能源(We-energy,WE)作为能源互联网的子单元旨在实现能量间的双向传输及灵活转换.由于自能源在不同工况下运行特性存在很大差异,现有方法还不能对其参数精确地辨识.为了解决上述问题,本文根据自能源网络结构提出了一种基于GAN技术的数据——机理混合驱动方法对自能源模型参数辨识.将GAN(Generative adversarial networks)模型中训练数据与专家经验结合进行模糊分类,解决了自能源在不同运行工况下的模型切换问题.通过应用含策略梯度反馈的改进GAN技术对模型进行训练,解决了自能源中输出序列离散的问题.仿真结果表明,提出的模型具有较高的辨识精度和更好的推广性,能有效地拟合系统不同工况下各节点的状态变化.
    1)  本文责任编委 谭营
  • 图  1  自能源结构

    Fig.  1  Structure of we-energy

    图  2  电力子系统模型

    Fig.  2  Power subsystem model for we-energy

    图  3  热力子系统模型

    Fig.  3  Heating subsystem model for we-energy

    图  4  天然气子系统模型

    Fig.  4  Natural gas pipeline model for we-energy

    图  5  基于模糊分类的GAN模型

    Fig.  5  GAN structure based on fuzzy classification

    图  6  自能源电力子系统运行状态

    Fig.  6  Operating state of power subsystem in WE

    图  7  自能源热力子系统运行状态

    Fig.  7  Operating state of heating network in WE

    图  8  自能源天然气子系统运行状态

    Fig.  8  Operating state of natural gas network in WE

    图  9  三种参数辨识方法的比较结果

    Fig.  9  Comparison results of three parameter identification methods

    图  10  自能源输出拟合曲线

    Fig.  10  Output fitting curves of we-energy

    图  11  电压异常时自能源输出曲线

    Fig.  11  Output curves of we-energy in abnormal voltage

    图  12  液压异常时自能源输出曲线

    Fig.  12  Output curves of WE in abnormal fluid pressure

    图  13  气压异常时自能源输出曲线

    Fig.  13  Output curves of WE in abnormal gas pressure

    表  1  自能源系统设备参数

    Table  1  Parameter of equipment in WE system

    自能源系统 容量(kW) 功率下限(kW) 功率上限(kW)
    光伏发电 40 0 12
    风力发电 1×3 0 30
    电储能 5×3 $-$10 10
    微燃气轮机 80 20 80
    燃气锅炉 40×2 20 80
    电锅炉 5×4 0 20
    热储能 5×2 $-$10 10
    水泵 0.5×4 0.4 0.6
    压缩机 0.3×2 0.25 0.35
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    表  2  自能源常规运行时模型参数辨识结果

    Table  2  Parameter identification results in regular

    参数 估值 参数 估值 参数 估值
    ${\theta _{11}}$ 0.035 ${\theta _{23}}$ 0.213 ${\theta _{41}}$ $-$0.106
    ${\theta _{12}}$ 0.136 ${\theta _{24}}$ $-$0.622 ${\theta _{42}}$ $-$0.127
    ${\theta _{13}}$ 0.078 ${\theta _{31}}$ 0.296 ${\theta _{43}}$ 0.312
    ${\theta _{14}}$ $-$0.235 ${\theta _{32}}$ 0.065 ${\theta _{44}}$ 0.225
    ${\theta _{15}}$ 0.438 ${\theta _{33}}$ 0.386 ${\theta _{45}}$ 0.064
    ${\theta _{21}}$ 0.164 ${\theta _{34}}$ 0.176 ${\theta _{46}}$ 0.133
    ${\theta _{22}}$ 0.153 ${\theta _{35}}$ 0.217
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    表  3  自能源在电压异常时模型参数辨识结果

    Table  3  Parameter identification results of WE model in abnormal voltage

    参数 估值 参数 估值 参数 估值
    ${\theta _{11}}$ 0.014 ${\theta _{23}}$ 0.178 ${\theta _{41}}$ $-$0.157
    ${\theta _{12}}$ 0.123 ${\theta _{24}}$ $-$0.534 ${\theta _{42}}$ $-$0.134
    ${\theta _{13}}$ 0.081 ${\theta _{31}}$ 0.237 ${\theta _{43}}$ 0.247
    ${\theta _{14}}$ $-$0.211 ${\theta _{32}}$ 0.049 ${\theta _{44}}$ 0.265
    ${\theta _{15}}$ 0.369 ${\theta _{33}}$ 0.276 ${\theta _{45}}$ 0.067
    ${\theta _{21}}$ 0.145 ${\theta _{34}}$ 0.198 ${\theta _{46}}$ 0.233
    ${\theta _{22}}$ 0.147 ${\theta _{35}}$ 0.234
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    表  4  自能源在液压异常时模型参数辨识结果

    Table  4  Parameter identification results of WE model in abnormal fluid pressure

    参数 估值 参数 估值 参数 估值
    ${\theta _{11}}$ 0.041 ${\theta _{23}}$ 0.206 ${\theta _{41}}$ $-$0.067
    ${\theta _{12}}$ 0.089 ${\theta _{24}}$ $-$0.598 ${\theta _{42}}$ $-$0.131
    ${\theta _{13}}$ 0.196 ${\theta _{31}}$ 0.256 ${\theta _{43}}$ 0.276
    ${\theta _{14}}$ $-$0.158 ${\theta _{32}}$ 0.124 ${\theta _{44}}$ 0.256
    ${\theta _{15}}$ 0.367 ${\theta _{33}}$ 0.267 ${\theta _{45}}$ 0.065
    ${\theta _{21}}$ 0.146 ${\theta _{34}}$ 0.203 ${\theta _{46}}$ 0.118
    ${\theta _{22}}$ 0.145 ${\theta _{35}}$ 0.178
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    表  5  自能源在气压异常时模型参数辨识结果

    Table  5  Parameter identification results of WE model in abnormal gas pressure

    参数 估值 参数 估值 参数 估值
    ${\theta _{11}}$ 0.045 ${\theta _{23}}$ 0.157 ${\theta _{41}}$ $-$0.095
    ${\theta _{12}}$ 0.246 ${\theta _{24}}$ $-$0.576 ${\theta _{42}}$ $-$0.108
    ${\theta _{13}}$ 0.069 ${\theta _{31}}$ 0.146 ${\theta _{43}}$ 0.289
    ${\theta _{14}}$ $-$0.246 ${\theta _{32}}$ 0.068 ${\theta _{44}}$ 0.227
    ${\theta _{15}}$ 0.398 ${\theta _{33}}$ 0.356 ${\theta _{45}}$ 0.074
    ${\theta _{21}}$ 0.148 ${\theta _{34}}$ 0.269 ${\theta _{46}}$ 0.145
    ${\theta _{22}}$ 0.169 ${\theta _{35}}$ 0.235
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