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姚乃明 郭清沛 乔逢春 陈辉 王宏安

姚乃明, 郭清沛, 乔逢春, 陈辉, 王宏安. 基于生成式对抗网络的鲁棒人脸表情识别. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(5): 865-877. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170477
引用本文: 姚乃明, 郭清沛, 乔逢春, 陈辉, 王宏安. 基于生成式对抗网络的鲁棒人脸表情识别. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(5): 865-877. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170477
YAO Nai-Ming, GUO Qing-Pei, QIAO Feng-Chun, CHEN Hui, WANG Hong-An. Robust Facial Expression Recognition With Generative Adversarial Networks. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(5): 865-877. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170477
Citation: YAO Nai-Ming, GUO Qing-Pei, QIAO Feng-Chun, CHEN Hui, WANG Hong-An. Robust Facial Expression Recognition With Generative Adversarial Networks. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(5): 865-877. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170477


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170477

国家自然科学基金 61572479

国家重点研发计划 2017YFB1002805

中国科学院前沿科学重点研究计划 QYZ DY-SSW-JSC041

国家自然科学基金 61661146002


    姚乃明  中国科学院软件研究所博士研究生.2011年获得首都师范大学硕士学位.主要研究方向为情感交互, 机器学习和计算机视觉.E-mail:naiming2014@iscas.ac.cn

    郭清沛  中国科学院软件研究所硕士研究生.2014年获得华中科技大学学士学位.主要研究方向为机器学习, 计算机视觉和情感计算.E-mail:qingpei2014@iscas.ac.cn

    乔逢春  中国科学院软件研究所硕士研究生.2016年获得北京林业大学学士学位.主要研究方向为深度学习和图像生成.E-mail:qiaofengchun16@mails.ucas.ac.cn

    王宏安   中国科学院软件研究所研究员.1998年获得中国科学院软件研究所博士学位.主要研究方向为人机交互和实时智能.E-mail:hongan@iscas.ac.cn


    陈辉  中国科学院软件研究所研究员.2006年获得香港中文大学计算机学院博士学位.主要研究方向为人机交互, 情感交互, 力触觉交互和虚拟现实.本文通信作者.E-mail:chenhui@iscas.ac.cn

Robust Facial Expression Recognition With Generative Adversarial Networks


National Natural Science Foundation of China 61572479

National Fundamental Research Grant of Science and Technology 2017YFB1002805

Frontier Science Key Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences QYZ DY-SSW-JSC041

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61661146002

More Information
    Author Bio:

     Ph. D. candidate at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his master degree from Capital Normal University in 2011. His research interest covers areas of affective interaction, machine learning, and computer vision

     Master student at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2014. His research interest covers machine learning, computer vision, and affective computing

     Master student at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his bachelor degree from Beijing Forestry University in 2016. His research interest covers areas of deep learning and image synthesis

     Professor at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph. D. degree from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1998. His research interest covers areas of human-computer interaction and real-time intelligence

    Corresponding author: CHEN Hui  Professor at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received her Ph. D. degree from the School of Computer Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2006. Her research interest covers areas of human-computer interaction, affective interaction, haptics, and virtual reality. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 人们在自然情感交流中经常伴随着头部旋转和肢体动作,它们往往导致较大范围的人脸遮挡,使得人脸图像损失部分表情信息.现有的表情识别方法大多基于通用的人脸特征和识别算法,未考虑表情和身份的差异,导致对新用户的识别不够鲁棒.本文提出了一种对人脸局部遮挡图像进行用户无关表情识别的方法.该方法包括一个基于Wasserstein生成式对抗网络(Wasserstein generative adversarial net,WGAN)的人脸图像生成网络,能够为图像中的遮挡区域生成上下文一致的补全图像;以及一个表情识别网络,能够通过在表情识别任务和身份识别任务之间建立对抗关系来提取用户无关的表情特征并推断表情类别.实验结果表明,我们的方法在由CK+,Multi-PIE和JAFFE构成的混合数据集上用户无关的平均识别准确率超过了90%.在CK+上用户无关的识别准确率达到了96%,其中4.5%的性能提升得益于本文提出的对抗式表情特征提取方法.此外,在45°头部旋转范围内,本文方法还能够用于提高非正面表情的识别准确率.
    1)  本文责任编委 左旺孟
  • 图  1  鲁棒人脸表情识别的算法框架

    Fig.  1  Framework of our robust facial expression recognition algorithm

    图  2  人脸补全网络在训练1, 50, 75和100轮之后的输出图像

    Fig.  2  Outputs of the proposed face completion networks after training 1, 50, 75, and 100 steps

    图  3  人脸补全网络的训练损失曲线

    Fig.  3  Training loss curves of the proposed face completion networks

    图  4  较大范围局部遮挡图像的补全结果

    Fig.  4  Image completion results on images with large-scale occlusion

    图  5  不规则局部遮挡图像的补全结果

    Fig.  5  Image completion results on images with irregular occlusion

    图  6  在COFW测试集上的补全结果

    Fig.  6  Image completion results on images taken from the COFW test set

    图  7  不同方法补全CelebA测试集图像的结果

    Fig.  7  Comparisons of different image completion methods on images taken from the CelebA test set

    图  8  人脸表情特征和人脸身份特征的t-SNE可视化

    Fig.  8  t-SNE visualization of facial expression features and facial identity features

    图  9  人脸表情特征的t-SNE可视化

    Fig.  9  t-SNE visualization of facial expression features

    表  1  混合数据集中的统一表情分类

    Table  1  Unified expression categories in the mixed dataset

    CK + Multi-PIE JAFFE 统一分类
    neutral neutral NE NE (中性)
    anger - AN AN (愤怒)
    contempt, disgust squint, disgust DI DI (厌恶)
    happy smile HA HA (高兴)
    sadness - SA SA (悲伤)
    surprise surprise SU SU (惊讶)
    fear - FE -
    - scream - -
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    表  2  在混合数据集上的人脸表情识别准确率(%)

    Table  2  Results of recognition accuracy (%) on the mixed dataset

    数据库名称 设置 NE AN DI HA SA SU 平均识别率
    混合数据集 PD 95.41 98.85 94.12 96.55 100.00 97.54 97.07
    PI 87.78 95.52 93.15 93.91 82.57 90.82 90.62
    CK + PD 100.00 97.64 100.00 100.00 97.37 98.35 99.05
    PI 98.60 96.43 94.37 100.00 73.40 100.00 92.35
    Multi-PIE PD 87.50 - 91.43 95.45 - 95.35 93.10
    PI 85.00 - 86.36 94.34 - 93.94 90.13
    JAFFE PD 97.87 100.00 98.73 99.13 100.00 97.80 98.84
    PI 90.91 100.00 96.77 100.00 87.14 87.88 93.75
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    表  3  混合数据集上人脸表情识别的混淆矩阵

    Table  3  Confusion matrix for the mixed dataset

    NE 87.77 1.06 5.32 3.19 0.53 2.13
    AN 0 95.52 3.14 0 1.35 0
    DI 3.65 0 93.15 0.04 3.16 0
    HA 4.78 0.43 0.43 93.91 0.43 0
    SA 0.92 11.93 4.59 0 82.57 0
    SU 2.55 2.04 2.04 1.02 1.53 90.82
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    表  4  在Multi-PIE上针对不同头部姿态和图像补全设置的人脸表情识别准确率(%)

    Table  4  Comparisons of recognition accuracy (%) between settings of face completion for different head poses on Multi-PIE

    0 $ \pm 15^\circ$ $\pm 30^\circ$ $\pm 45^\circ$
    w/o人脸补全 93.24 88.42 86.85 83.33
    w/人脸补全 93.24 91.31 89.70 82.20
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    表  5  比较不同方法在CK +表情数据集上的识别准确率

    Table  5  Comparisons of average recognition accuracy among different methods on CK +

    识别方法 准确率(%)
    LBP-TOP[41] 88.99
    MSR[42] 91.40
    3DCNN-DAP[43] 92.40
    DTAN[44] 91.44
    MSCNN[45] 95.54
    GCNET[46] 97.93
    本文方法(w/o类内差异抑制) 91.48
    本文方法(w/类内差异抑制) 96.00
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    表  6  不同特征和识别方法在CK +上的识别准确率(%)

    Table  6  Comparisons of different descriptors and methods on CK + (%)

    识别方法 AN DI HA SA SU 平均
    LBP + SRC[51] 75.56 87.93 98.55 64.29 100.00 85.26
    Gabor + SRC[52] 84.44 98.28 97.10 64.29 98.78 88.58
    LPQ + SVM 70.00 65.30 59.31 76.40 88.32 71.87
    SIFT + SVM 72.86 56.70 88.75 72.22 96.30 77.37
    EFM + SVM 88.37 90.20 87.16 78.38 94.00 87.62
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