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董家林 洪明坚 张海标 葛永新

董家林, 洪明坚, 张海标, 葛永新. 联合相邻帧预测的心脏磁共振电影成像方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(3): 490-505. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160420
引用本文: 董家林, 洪明坚, 张海标, 葛永新. 联合相邻帧预测的心脏磁共振电影成像方法. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(3): 490-505. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160420
DONG Jia-Lin, HONG Ming-Jian, ZHANG Hai-Biao, GE Yong-Xin. Joint Adjacent-frame Prediction for Cardiac Cine MR Imaging. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(3): 490-505. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160420
Citation: DONG Jia-Lin, HONG Ming-Jian, ZHANG Hai-Biao, GE Yong-Xin. Joint Adjacent-frame Prediction for Cardiac Cine MR Imaging. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(3): 490-505. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160420


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c160420

中央高校基金项目 106112017CDJQJ158834


    董家林 重庆大学软件学院硕士研究生.2015年获得重庆大学学士学位.主要研究方向为MRI图像重建, 模式识别.E-mail:dongjialin@cqu.edu.cn

    张海标 重庆大学软件学院硕士研究生.2014年获得重庆大学学士学位.主要研究方向为动态磁共振成像.E-mail:15340513044@163.com

    葛永新 重庆大学软件学院副教授.分别于2003年和2006年在重庆大学获得信息与计算科学专业学士和运筹学与控制论专业硕士学位, 2011年在重庆大学获得计算机科学与技术专业博士学位.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 图像处理和模式识别.E-mail:yongxinge@cqu.edu.cn


    洪明坚 重庆大学软件学院副教授.分别于1999年和2002年在重庆大学获得应用数学专业学士和硕士学位, 2011年在重庆大学获得仪器科学与技术专业博士学位.主要研究方向为光谱分析和磁共振图像重建.本文通信作者.E-mail:hmj@cqu.edu.cn

Joint Adjacent-frame Prediction for Cardiac Cine MR Imaging


Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 106112017CDJQJ158834

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Master student at the School of Software Engineering, Chongqing University. He received his bachelor degree from Chongqing University in 2015. His research interest covers MRI image reconstruction and pattern recognition

    Master student at the School of Software Engineering, Chongqing University. He received his bachelor degree from Chongqing University in 2014. His main research interest is dynimaic MRI

    Associate professor at the School of Software Engineering, Chongqing University. He received his bachelor degree in information and computing science, master degree in operational research and cybernetics, and Ph. D. degree in computer science and technology from Chongqing University in 2003, 2006 and 2011, respectively. His research interest covers computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition

    Corresponding author: HONG Ming-Jian Associate professor at the School of Software Engineering, Chongqing University. He received his bachelor degree and master degree in applied mathematics, Ph. D. degree in instrument science and technology from Chongqing University in 1999, 2002 and 2011, respectively. His research interest covers spectroscopy and MRI reconstruction. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 快速动态磁共振成像可以通过减少采样量来缩短信号的采集时间.因此,从下采样的数据中重建出高质量的图像成为研究的热点.目前,常见的重建方法利用动态图像序列的稀疏表示实现高质量的重建.本文提出了一种联合相邻帧预测(Joint adjacent-frame prediction,JAFP)的重建方法,首先根据动态图像序列相邻帧之间高度的相似性,联合预测当前帧图像,获得稀疏的图像差;其次,利用图像差序列在时间域的拟周期特性,通过傅里叶变换进一步提高图像差序列的稀疏度.在此基础上构建动态成像模型,并在压缩感知(Compressed sensing,CS)框架下进行求解.该方法可将前一次的重建结果作为新的输入,从而形成迭代算法.采用两个磁共振心脏电影成像数据集对提出的方法进行了实验验证,并与k-t FOCUSS ME/MC和MASTeR进行了比较.实验结果表明,该方法联合相邻帧改进了预测图像的效果,提升了重建图像的质量,具有广泛的应用价值.
    1)  本文责任编委 张道强
  • 图  1  相邻帧图像与非相邻帧图像之间的差异

    Fig.  1  The difference of between adjacent frame and non-adjacent frame

    图  2  帧间相似度

    Fig.  2  The similarity

    图  3  算法流程图

    Fig.  3  Algorithm flow chart

    图  4  数据集1在4倍下采样时重建质量比较

    Fig.  4  The comparison of reconstruction quality with acceleration factor of 4 for dataset 1

    图  5  数据集1在8倍下采样时重建质量比较

    Fig.  5  The comparison of reconstruction quality with acceleration factor of 8 for dataset 1

    图  6  数据集1在8倍下采样时左心脏壁灰度均值的比较

    Fig.  6  The comparison of reconstructed gray average values and errors with acceleration factor of 8 for left myocardial wall of dataset 1

    图  7  数据集1在8倍下采样时右心脏壁灰度均值的比较

    Fig.  7  The comparison of reconstructed gray average values and errors with acceleration factor of 8 for right myocardial wall of dataset 1

    图  8  数据集1在4倍和8倍下采样时, 重建的ROI及其误差图

    Fig.  8  The reconstructed ROI and errors with acceleration factors of 4 and 8 for dataset 1

    图  9  在4倍和8倍下采样时, 重建的时间域截面及其误差图

    Fig.  9  The reconstructed temporal slices and errors with acceleration factors of 4 and 8

    图  10  数据集1在不同下采样倍数(2, 4, 8, 10, 16)下, 不同方法重建综合质量对比图

    Fig.  10  The comparison of reconstructed quality with acceleration factors of 2, 4, 8, 10 and 16 for dataset 1

    图  11  数据集2在4倍下采样时重建质量比较

    Fig.  11  The comparison of reconstruction quality with acceleration factor of 4 for dataset 2

    图  12  数据集2在8倍下采样时重建质量比较

    Fig.  12  The comparison of reconstruction quality with acceleration factor of 8 for dataset 2

    图  13  数据集2在8倍下采样时左心脏壁灰度均值的比较

    Fig.  13  The comparison of reconstructed gray average values and errors with acceleration factor of 8 for left myocardial wall of dataset 2

    图  14  数据集2在8倍下采样时右心脏壁灰度均值的比较

    Fig.  14  The comparison of reconstructed gray average values and errors with acceleration factor of 8 for right myocardial wall of dataset 2

    图  15  数据集2在4倍和8倍下采样时, 重建的ROI及其误差图

    Fig.  15  The reconstructed ROI and errors with acceleration factors of 4 and 8 for dataset 2

    图  16  数据集2在4倍和8倍下采样时, 重建的时间域截面及其误差图

    Fig.  16  The reconstructed temporal slices and errors with acceleration factors of 4 and 8 for dataset 2

    图  17  运动估计效果

    Fig.  17  The quality of motion estimation

    图  18  在8倍下采样时, 不同运动估计方法重建的ROI及其误差图(从左至右依次为心脏电影成像序列的第7帧、第12帧和第24帧ROI图像

    Fig.  18  The reconstructed ROI and errors with different motion estimation plan (the reconstructed ROI of the 7th, 12th, 24th frames with acceleration factor of 8)

    图  19  在8倍下采样时, 各迭代次数(0 ~ 7)下重建的第5帧图像ROI及其误差图

    Fig.  19  The reconstructed the 5th frame ROIs and errors by 0 ~ 7 times iteration

    图  20  在不同迭代次数(0 ~ 7)下, JAFP方法重建综合质量对比图

    Fig.  20  The comparison of reconstructed quality with 0 ~ 7 iterations

    表  1  运行时间对比

    Table  1  The comparison of runtime

    方法运动估计耗时(s) 求解耗时(s) 迭代次数(次)
    k-t FOCUSS ME/MC 201.78 284.31 1
    MASTeR 182.41 23 228.25 4
    JAFP 183.32 16 250.73 4
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