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陆雪松 涂圣贤 张素

陆雪松, 涂圣贤, 张素. 一种面向医学图像非刚性配准的多维特征度量方法. 自动化学报, 2016, 42(9): 1413-1420. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150608
引用本文: 陆雪松, 涂圣贤, 张素. 一种面向医学图像非刚性配准的多维特征度量方法. 自动化学报, 2016, 42(9): 1413-1420. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150608
LU Xue-Song, TU Sheng-Xian, ZHANG Su. A Metric Method Using Multidimensional Features for Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2016, 42(9): 1413-1420. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150608
Citation: LU Xue-Song, TU Sheng-Xian, ZHANG Su. A Metric Method Using Multidimensional Features for Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2016, 42(9): 1413-1420. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150608


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2016.c150608

国家民委科研项目 14ZNZ024

国家自然科学基金 61002046


    涂圣贤 上海交通大学生物医学工程学院东方学者特聘教授.主要研究方向为心血管成像与定量分析.E-mail:sxtu@sjtu.edu.cn

    张素 上海交通大学生物医学工程学院副教授.主要研究方向为医学影像处理与分析.E-mail:suzhang@sjtu.edu.cn


    陆雪松 中南民族大学生物医学工程学院副教授.主要研究方向为医学影像配准、分割和辅助诊断.本文通信作者.E-mail:xslu-scuec@hotmail.com

A Metric Method Using Multidimensional Features for Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images


Scientific Research Projects by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of China 14ZNZ024

National Natural Science Foundation of China 61002046

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Professor of special appointment at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interest covers cardiovascular imaging and quantitative analysis.E-mail:

    Associate professor at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interest covers medical image processing and analysis.E-mail:

    Corresponding author: LU Xue-Song Associate professor at the College of Biomedical Engineering, South-Central University for Nationalities. His research interest covers medical image registration, segmentation, and assisted diagnosis. Corresponding author of this paper. E-mail:xslu-scuec@hotmail.com
  • 摘要: 医学图像的非刚性配准对于临床的精确诊疗具有重要意义.待配准图像对中目标的大形变和灰度分布呈各向异性给非刚性配准带来困难.本文针对这个问题,提出基于多维特征的联合Renyi α-entropy度量结合全局和局部特征的非刚性配准算法.首先,采用最小距离树构造联合Renyi α-entropy,建立多维特征度量新方法.然后,演绎出新度量准则相对于形变模型参数的梯度解析表达式,采用随机梯度下降法进行参数寻优.最终,将图像的Canny特征和梯度方向特征融入新度量中,实现全局和局部特征相结合的非刚性配准.通过在36对宫颈磁共振(Magnetic resonance,MR)图像上的实验,该方法的配准精度相比较于传统互信息法和互相关系数法有明显提高.这也表明,这种度量新方法能克服因图像局部灰度分布不一致造成的影响,一定程度地减少误匹配,为临床的精确诊疗提供科学依据.
  • 图  1  膀胱和宫颈放射治疗前后磁共振(Magnetic resonance, MR)图像对比

    Fig.  1  Contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) images before and after radiotherapy at the bladder and the cervix

    图  2  非刚性配准的框架图

    Fig.  2  The framework of nonrigid registration

    图  3  特征图像实例

    Fig.  3  Examples of the image features

    图  4  仿射粗配、互相关系数、互信息、基于图的广义互信息和本文方法的重叠率对比boxplot图(对于每一个解剖结构, 最左边的列显示了仿射粗配的结果, 第2列显示了互相关系数的结果, 第3列显示了互信息的结果, 第4列显示了基于图的广义互信息的结果, 最右边的列显示了本文方法的结果.一个星号表示两种方法重叠率中值在统计上的明显差异.)

    Fig.  4  The boxplot of overlap scores using affine matching, CC, MI, GMI and our proposal (For each anatomical structure, the leftmost column shows the result for affine matching. The second column shows the result for CC. The third column shows the result for MI. The fourth column shows the result for GMI. The rightmost column shows the result for our proposal. A star indicates a statistical significant difference of the median overlaps of the two methods.)

    图  5  配准结果示例, 参考图像与被形变的浮动图像采用Checkerboard模式融合

    Fig.  5  Demonstration of the registration result, and the reference image is combined with the deformed moving image, using a Checkerboard pattern

    表  1  所有配准DSC的均值和方差

    Table  1  The mean and variance of DSC about all registration results

    结构区域 配准方法 DSC值
    仿射粗配 0.7618±0.0123
    CC 0.8271±0.0056
    CTV MI 0.8332±0.0756
    GMI 0.8460±0.0706
    本文方法 0.8462±0.0684
    仿射粗配 0.6756±0.0198
    CC 0.7386±0.0200
    Bladder MI 0.7375±0.1362
    GMI 0.7697±0.1332
    本文方法 0.7800±0.1313
    仿射粗配 0.6861±0.0083
    CC 0.7338±0.0042
    Rectum MI 0.7410±0.0673
    GMI 0.7566±0.0627
    本文方法 0.7680±0.0577
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