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罗珍珍 陈靓影 刘乐元 张坤

罗珍珍, 陈靓影, 刘乐元, 张坤. 基于条件随机森林的非约束环境自然笑脸检测. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(4): 696-706. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160439
引用本文: 罗珍珍, 陈靓影, 刘乐元, 张坤. 基于条件随机森林的非约束环境自然笑脸检测. 自动化学报, 2018, 44(4): 696-706. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160439
LUO Zhen-Zhen, CHEN Jing-Ying, LIU Le-Yuan, ZHANG Kun. Conditional Random Forests for Spontaneous Smile Detection in Unconstrained Environment. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(4): 696-706. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160439
Citation: LUO Zhen-Zhen, CHEN Jing-Ying, LIU Le-Yuan, ZHANG Kun. Conditional Random Forests for Spontaneous Smile Detection in Unconstrained Environment. ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2018, 44(4): 696-706. doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160439


doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160439

中央高校基本科研业务费 CCNU14A05 019

国家自然科学基金 41671377

中央高校基本科研业务费 CCNU16A02020

教育部中移动基金 MCM2013 0601

教育部人文社会科学研究基金 14YJAZH005

国家社科基金 16BSH107

中央高校基本科研业务费 CCNU14A05020


    罗珍珍, 华中师范大学国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心博士研究生.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别, 图像处理.E-mail:andrealoves@163.com

    陈靓影, 华中师范大学国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心教授.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别, 多模态人机交互.E-mail:chenjy@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

    张坤, 华中师范大学国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心讲师.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别, 多模态人机交互.E-mail:zhk@mail.ccnu.edu.cn


    刘乐元, 华中师范大学国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心讲师.主要研究方向为计算机视觉, 模式识别, 多模态人机交互.本文通信作者.E-mail:lyliu@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

Conditional Random Forests for Spontaneous Smile Detection in Unconstrained Environment


the Colleges Basic Research and Operation of Ministry of Education CCNU14A05 019

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 41671377

the Colleges Basic Research and Operation of Ministry of Education CCNU16A02020

Research Funds from Ministry of Education and China Mobile MCM2013 0601

Research Funds from the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Education 14YJAZH005

National Social Sciences Foundation 16BSH107

the Colleges Basic Research and Operation of Ministry of Education CCNU14A05020

More Information
    Author Bio:

    Ph. D. candidate at the National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University. Her research interest covers computer vision, pattern recognition, and image processing

    Professor at the National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University. Her research interest covers computer vision, pattern recognition, and multimodal human-computer interaction

    Lecturer at the National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University. His research interest covers image processing, pattern recognition, and intelligent human-computer interaction

    Corresponding author: LIU Le-Yuan Lecturer at the National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University. His research interest covers computer vision, pattern recognition, and multimodal human-computer interaction. Corresponding author of this paper
  • 摘要: 为减少非约束环境下头部姿态多样性对笑脸检测带来的不利影响,提出一种基于条件随机森林(Conditional random forests,CRF)的笑脸检测方法.首先,以头部姿态作为隐含条件划分数据空间,构建基于条件随机森林的笑脸分类器;其次,以K-Means聚类方法确定条件随机森林分类器的分类边界;最后,分别从嘴巴区域和眉眼区域采集图像子块训练两组条件随机森林构成层级式结构进行笑脸检测.本文的笑脸检测方法在GENKI-4K、LFW和自备课堂场景(CCNU-Classroom)数据集上分别取得了91.14%,90.73%和85.17%的正确率,优于现有基于支持向量机、AdaBoost和随机森林的笑脸检测方法.
    1)  本文责任编委 黄庆明
  • 图  1  基于条件随机森林的笑脸检测示意图

    Fig.  1  Smile detection based on conditional random forests

    图  2  层级式笑脸检测流程图

    Fig.  2  The flowchart of the proposed smile detection method

    图  3  决策树的数量与笑脸分类准确率的关系

    Fig.  3  The accuracies for different numbers of trees in CRF

    图  4  本文方法的笑脸检测结果

    Fig.  4  The exemplar results of the proposed smile detection method

    表  1  本文方法与文献[15-16]在GENKI-4K数据集上的比较

    Table  1  The proposed approach compared with [15-16] on GENKI-4K dataset

    方法 特征 分类器 准确率(%)
    An等[16] LBP LDA 76.60
    An等[16] LBP SVM 84.20
    An等[16] HOG ELM 88.50
    Shan[15] LBP AdaBoost 86.43
    Shan[15] Gray AdaBoost 80.38
    Shan[15] Pixel Comparisons AdaBoost 89.70
    本文方法 LBP CRF 86.99
    本文方法 Gray CRF 88.36
    本文方法 LBP, Gray, Gabor CRF 91.14
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    表  2  头部姿态估计在LFW和CCNU-Classroom数据集上的准确率(%)

    Table  2  Accuracies of head pose estimation on LFW and CCNU-Classroom datasets (%)

    头部姿态 LFW CCNU-Classroom
    正脸 87.88 86.41
    微侧 80.00 81.60
    侧脸 83.73 83.33
    混合 82.72 83.41
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    表  3  不同笑脸检测算法在LFW和CCNU-Classroom数据集上的准确率(%)

    Table  3  Comparisons of accuracies of different smile detection algorithms on LFW and CCNU-Classroom datasets (%)

    LFW LFW CCNU-Classroom
    正脸 微侧 侧脸 混合 正脸 微侧 侧脸 混合
    本文 92.86 90.67 89.04 90.73 88.89 86.96 79.66 85.17
    SVM 85.63 77.00 81.85 83.25 77.56 74.51 68.53 73.52
    RF 78.00 77.14 85.99 81.74 78.89 79.85 59.17 72.38
    AdaBoost 75.00 72.35 68.54 71.96 70.00 65.56 61.24 66.27
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    表  4  不同图像子块采样方式在LFW数据集上的笑脸检测准确率(%)

    Table  4  Accuracies of smile detection with different image sub-regions on LFW dataset (%)

    头部姿态 整个人脸 嘴巴区域 眉眼区域 嘴巴十眉眼
    正脸 78.00 91.08 67.74 95.09
    微侧 75.50 88.50 64.50 90.05
    侧脸 72.08 86.86 62.08 86.86
    混合 74.79 88.71 64.59 90.47
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    表  5  不同嘴巴和眉眼区域定位方法的笑脸检测准确率(%)

    Table  5  Accuracies of smile detection using different approaches to locate eyes and mouth regions (%)

    方法 正脸 微侧 侧脸 混合
    几何关系粗略定位 95.09 90.05 86.86 90.47
    人脸特征点精确定位 95.79 91.00 88.74 91.37
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    表  6  使用不同决策边界方法对应的笑脸检测准确率(%)

    Table  6  Accuracies of smile detection using different decision boundary methods (%)

    LFW CCNU-Classroom
    头部姿态 K-Means 高斯 决策桩 K-Means 高斯 决策桩
    正脸 95.09 90.78 52.91 88.89 87.78 75.56
    微测 90.50 88.50 80.00 86.96 85.04 71.43
    侧脸 86.86 85.23 74.22 79.66 77.94 61.90
    混合 90.81 88.17 69.04 85.17 83.59 69.63
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